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10. ... hands it to Mickey

9. Who's Your Daddy?

8. Pulling Ahead

7. ...gets a three

6. It's a four

5. Karyn Rolls A Five

4. Karyn

3. Games

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

The Mister's Sister?

on 2015-07-21 15:53:22

1491 hits, 123 views, 0 upvotes.

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While Jon was unwilling to get too close with his sister just yet, he still was a teenaged boy. Reducing the number of boobs to ogle wouldn't do. But there were only two ways to handle that; either he became the father or he became a girl to keep the balance. Glancing at his bunnyfied brother he took a deep breath and gave his card to Mickey.

Mickey quickly changed back to his old self as the bunnygirl-card lost its grip over him, but he continued changing by growing older. He looked to be in his late forties or early fifties by the time it stopped.

"Nice of you to join us, dear," said Zoe, while leaning into Mickey's arms. The man smiled softly and gave Zoe a soft hug while looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Get your hands off my man," shouted the still inebriated woman on the floor as she attempted to stand back up, the bottle forgotten for now.

While all this was going on Jon had merely closed his eyes as he felt the changes hit him. Weights on his chest, a slight padding under his arse, some pressure against his waist as the bunny suit formed, some weight on his head as hair and bunny ears formed, and the less said about how hir groin felt as it changed the better. She gave a soft sighed and looked at the spectacle around her, catching a glimpse of a grinning Karyn.

She slid the dice over to Karyn, making sure to give the naked girl a once-over as she did. Karyn snickered and rolled the dice; the sound of which stopped the arguing taking place right next to her.

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