Jon took her card...
"To be read aloud: Welcome to Round 2. As well as you handled your obstacles in round 1, you'll find things getting a bit more serious. Round 2 will test not only your physical limitations, but your emotions as well.
"To be kept quiet: You can sense the Bizarre Love Triangle Developing. Now you get the choice. You will be allowed to seduce one of your fellow players, but beware the consequences."
She read the first part aloud but after reading the second part, she just put it down. "Who's next?"
"Um, Jon," Mrs. Gibson said, "The dice disappeared. Something tells me that whatever's on the card, you have to do before the game can go forward."
Jon fretted. She ruled out her mother, brother, and sister-in-self's-body. That left two choices, and what a choice it was.
There was Sarah, the gorgeous cheerleader. Any guy would kill for a night with her. But she was a bad person, and despite her lucious curves, strawberry lips and gorgeous hair, there was a downside to caving in to the desire for such an entitled popular girl.
Then there was Karyn, Jon's best friend, from whom she thought there were no secrets, but had just been revealed as a man in drag. But still, there was a genuine niceness to Karyn, no matter what his body was.
She had to consider the consequences, and her own feelings, both as a man, and as to which of the choices was responsible for getting Zoe's panties just a little damp. Which could she choose?