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12. Mr. Penner's new flat

11. Jody the teacher

10. Home Life

9. Jody's First Day at School

8. Elsewhere in the School

7. Jon's in Trouble

6. Elsewhere

5. Elsewhere

4. He makes the wish...

3. About To Start

2. public wish

1. You Are What You Wish

The Big Swap: Mr. Penner's New Flat

avatar on 2016-10-17 06:11:13

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Bill walked to car park feeling very tired. She figured that since she had found keys in the briefcase that Mr. Penner must have a car. Now she just had to find which one it was. She pressed the horn button on the key and listened.

Having worked out where her new car she started walking towards it. It was a nice car she thought. It was silver but it wasn't too expensive nor was it run down. It looked very well maintained.

Bill got in the car and then placed her briefcase on the passenger seat and then started the car and drove to her new apartment.

On the way she reflected on back on her day. It had been very busy since the swap. She had managed to teach that first class with little to no problems but the class had been the first one of the day. She had had a few more before the end. Fortunately the lesson plan detailed all of the classes for today and Bill had just followed.

By the end of the day Bill had gotten the hang of it and had even begun improvising the plan. At lunch she now found that she had to sit in the teacher's lounge and that many of her new friends were now teachers as well.

Bill was brought back to the present when she realised that she was approaching her new home. She worked out where it was and parked the car. Entering the building she saw an elevator. Stepping in she pressed the button that would take her to the floor listed on her id.

Reaching her flat she got the keys out and opened the door. "Hello?" She called out. It seemed that it was empty although it did look like someone else lived here.

Bill placed her briefcase on the table and then went to find the bedroom. Once she found it she looked in the wardrobe. She figured that everything in the flat now belonged to her including Mr. penner's clothes.

Opening the wardrobe she discovered that she was right. Hanging up were lots of suits in different colours although mostly in black or grey. Bill studied them. It appeared that they had been resized to fit her. She wanted to try one on.

Bill pulled one out and then went into the adjacent bathroom. She ditched her dress that she had been wearing. "That'll have to go" she thought to herself.

Getting dressed in the suit she then walked back into the room to examine herself in the mirror.

"Wow! I look good" She thought. As she was admiring herself Bill heard the door open.

"Honey I'm home" a voice called.

Bill went to leave the room. She was about to meet her new girlfriend.

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