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11. Jody the teacher

10. Home Life

9. Jody's First Day at School

8. Elsewhere in the School

7. Jon's in Trouble

6. Elsewhere

5. Elsewhere

4. He makes the wish...

3. About To Start

2. public wish

1. You Are What You Wish

The Big Swap: Jody The Teacher

avatar on 2016-10-17 05:54:05

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"Jody," he began, "I mean, Mr. Penner, excuse me." He had reloaded the contents of the purse and had approached the desk occupied by the former Jody Adams. She was only now looking through his old wallet with a confused look on her face. Looking up and registering what he had said, she snapped the briefcase shut and stood up.

"I'm sorry, Jody, I'm in your seat, am I not?"
Jody walked over Mr. Penner's desk and then sat down behind it. Once she was seated she pulled out his wallet from the briefcase and studied it.

Name: William Robert Penner
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Jody, now Bill read the address and discovered that it was somewhere in downtown. She had a rough idea of where it was. Sure she'd miss her family and her daddy treating her like a princess but an apartment sounded cool. She wondered if Mr. Penner had a girlfriend. She couldn't wait to find out. A swap was a swap after all.

Bill looked up at the class and noticed that everyone was staring at her. She then realised that since she was now the teacher they probably expected her to continue with the class.

Bill panicked. While they had swapped occupations they hadn't swapped knowledge. She had no idea how to teach a class. She looked around on the desk and to her relief she found a lesson plan that detailed today's class. She stood up.

"Right class..."

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