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119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

109. Jon continues to get ready

108. Morning comes fast

107. Establishing a new "normal"

106. The talk...

105. A new addition

104. Dragging his heels

103. Tick Tock

102. Table for one?

101. Low blow

100. Can't sit around all day

Chick for a Dick: A Familiar Transformation

on 2017-03-12 00:08:00

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Jaqi Pyon stood naked before the class except for her black rimmed glasses and red high heels. The stunning beauty had not even existed until two days ago when a misworded wish had merged Jon's chemistry teacher with two of his classmates and selected from the three of them the attributes he found most attractive and put them into a single girl.

Several of students were staring at their teacher's exposed body. While nobody thought it at all strange for a teacher to be allowed to walk around naked in public, the sight of it was still the cause of lust or envy among the students. Jon, however, was the only one to know that it was not at all normal for this impossibly beautiful girl to be walking around naked. He was also the only one to realize that it was not normal for there to be three extra faces on her body.

On Jaqi's massive, F-cup right breast was the face of Nari, the shy Korean exchange student. On Jaqi's left breast was the face of Jacqueline, Jon's counterculture classmate. Their noses were gone, replaced by Jaqi's dark nipples. The nipple-nose on Jacqueline's face was adorned with a curved bar, a blend between the girl's former nose ring and the bar Jaqi's nipples had been pierced with. And between Jaci's legs, instead of the feminine slit and enticing folds that had pleasured Jon only days before, was the young face of Betty Stevens, Jon's original chemistry teacher.

Jon was in shock. He had not expected this when he had seen Jaqi enter the room with an even bigger set of breasts. He was still trying to figure out what had caused this transformation when he noticed Jaci, Nari, Jacqueline and Betty's eyes all staring at him. Or, to be more specific, his crotch.

Jon realized he was standing in the middle of the classroom, staring slack jawed at his naked teacher, with a raging hard-on tent poling in his pants. Jon quickly sat down in his desk, glancing around the room to see if anyone had noticed his embarrassing predicament.

If any of his classmates had noticed, they weren't showing it. While a few small groups were still talking among themselves, most were transfixed on the erotic allure of their teacher. As Jon glanced at Grace, he watched as she licked her lips, the head and ridge of her penis-tongue clearly visible, as she starred longingly at Betty's face between Jaqi's legs.

Grace wasn't the only one licking her lips. Jon watched as Betty ran her bright pink tongue across her plump lips, causing Jaqi to shudder in pleasure. It wasn't Grace that Betty was focused on, though. It was Jon.

He then noticed that Nari and Jacqueline were also focused on him, the nipples in the center of their faces growing hard. Jon's gaze made its way to Jaqi's blushing face. She was breathing deeply, and staring right back at him.

Jon felt a throb in his pants and felt Karyn squirm, caught up in his arousal. He thought back to Monday when he had used Karyn to fuck Jaqi, the image of her limbless body sliding in and out of Jaqi's wet pussy was intoxicating. Only now, that pussy was Betty's face. He felt Karyn throb again.

Jon closed his eyes and tried to think of something else. Anything else. Slowly, Jon felt Karyn beginning to soften in his pants. After a couple moments, Jon felt relieved enough to open his eyes again.

Jaqi cleared her throat with a feminine cough. If her flushed face and chest was not a clear indication, the wet sheen on Betty's lips telegraphed that Jon wasn't the only one aroused. He watched as Betty pursed her lips repeatedly in the attempt to conceal the pussy juice her mouth was clearly filling with.

"Now... class," Jaqi said as she turned her back to the class, showing off her amazing ass. "You were assigned to read chapter 12 last night." She reached down and picked her copy of the textbook up off the desk. As she did, her ass cheeks spread slightly and Jon could clearly see her asshole and Betty's upside down mouth beneath it. She stood back up and turned around, Nari and Jacqueline swaying wildly as her breasts jiggled on her chest.

Jon couldn't take it anymore. He bowed his head to avert his gaze and raised his hand up. A moment passed before he heard Jaqi's breathy voice. "Yes, Jon?"

"May I use the restroom?"

There was a moment's pause before he heard her speak again. "Alright." Jon bolted out of his desk, walked past the still naked teacher and out the door, hoping his returning erection wasn't too noticeable.

Jon splashed a third handful of cold water on his face. He had been in the bathroom now for several minutes trying to calm himself down. He had not taken Karyn out of his pants, knowing that if he told her what had happened in class it would have only turn him on more, raise questions he didn't want to answer, or both. Instead, he had paced back and forth before hunching over a sink and resorting to the cold water to aid him.

Jon looked up into the mirror. Water streamed down his face as he gazed at his reflection. What was going on? Why had that gotten to him so much? He had seen Jaci before. The very first time he saw her she was not only naked but was already riding his dick. And he had seen the transformation she had now plenty of times before. It was the same transformation Zoe had. But why did Jaqi have it? And why was he so turned on?

Jon lazily reached over to the paper towel dispenser and pulled out a few sheets of the white, coarse material and blotted his face. Jon met his reflection one more time and gave himself a determined nod. He would keep it together and make it through the class.

He stepped out of the men's room and proceeded down the hall back towards Jaqi's class. However, as he walked past the closed door to the faculty lavatory, the door opened up and an arm quickly pulled him in before forcefully, but quietly, closing the door. Jon barely had a moment to register what had happened or to take in his surroundings before a warm, soft body pressed into his and pulled him in for a deep, passionate kiss.

Without thinking, Jon reacted and pulled her closer. Even before his hands touched her naked flesh or felt the massive orbs press into his chest, he knew who it was. Jaqi. However, when he felt a repetitive stroking at his crotch and felt his pants growing damp, he reluctantly broke the kiss and held her at an arm's length away.

She was panting hard, a light sheen of sweat starting to form on her exposed body. Nari's eyes on her left breast were closed and she appeared to be savoring the sensations passing through her reduced body. Jacqueline, meanwhile, was taking matters into her own hands, so to speak. She was stretching out her tongue as far as it would go and using it to play with the piercing in the nipple embedded in the middle of her face. Each time she managed to flick it, she would squeak and her eyes would flutter before she returned to trying to flick it again. Looking down between Jaqi's legs, Jon could see that Betty's face was liberally coated with the pungent lubricant she was now drooling. She was exaggeratedly licking her pouty lips and staring straight ahead at Jon's crotch. He saw that his hard-on had returned and was bulging in his pants that were now thoroughly soaked from all of Betty's licking at his crotch.

"Sorry," Jaqi said with her heavy accent. She have him a sheepish, but playful, smile. "They have a mind of their own."

Jon didn't know where to start. After a moment of silence, except for Betty's wet licking and Jacqueline's squeaks, Jon finally asked "Jaqi, honestly... what's going on here?" Jon felt Jaci's body relax in his grip as she entered into her trance.

"Last week you wished for Betty to take on a different sexual desire each day from girls around school. Since wishes cannot be reversed, that wish applies to me because Betty is a part of me. Today, my biggest turn-on is based off of Zoe. She loves to use the three girls who became her tits and pussy while she fucks; and now, so do I. And since I already had these three floating around inside of me," she gestured down to her altered body, "it worked out perfectly. But, there was one teensy-weensy little addition: I also got the sex drive of the additional three added to me as well. I can't control myself when I'm around you."

"Around me?"

Jaqi nodded. "I'm made up of the aspects you desired the most from Betty, Nari and Jacqueline. That includes my personality. You desired most that I desire you. So, when the sex drive of four girls occupies the same body and all of that sexual impulse is directed at you, it becomes pretty hard to control. Hell, I even snuck in here before your class and fingered myself until I came twice trying to relieve some of my tension. Obviously, it didn't work. Not that I'm complaining," she said with a seductive smile.

Jon's head was spinning. Now he realized why he had been so turned on by seeing Jaci. First, it was because she was showing clear signs that she was interested in him. And not like Erin. While she was nice and attractive, for being nothing but a head on hips and legs, Erin wasn't attracted to him like this. Like she had been the past Saturday. This was primal lust.

The second, and perhaps stronger, of the reasons why he was so turned on shocked him when he realized it. It was because she had been changed. Not just once, but multiple times. He was attracted to her transformations. Jon didn't know if it was because of the wish Karyn confessed she had made for him to love using the stone, if he had become drunk on power, or if it was just something that had always been there. At this point, it didn't matter.

Jon looked at the erotic creature before him, knowing he could have his way with her. She wanted him, needed him. He felt Karyn squirm momentarily in his pants. It would be so easy... it would feel so good...

Jon hesitated. If we get caught, there will be hell to pay, he thought. While he had no problems with fucking in school, and had in the past, he had not done so in the middle of a class period. Someone was sure to notice if they were gone for too much longer. On top of it, Jon didn't have the stone here to immediately help him.

He sighed. "Jaqi, the class will notice that we're missing."

Jaqi's eyes went wide as she came back to her senses. "Shit! I left them to read while I went to 'check on you'," she hissed, looking towards the door. "I should get back!"

"Jaqi! No!"
"I want him to play with me!"
"I could almost taste his cock!"

The trio of faces on her body whined with protest. Finally, Jaqi stamped her foot, causing Nari and Jacqueline to bounce wildly on her chest and Betty's mouth to be squeezed between her thighs. "No! We can't right now. But, fuck, do I want to." She looked at Jon a moment before sighing and grabbing a handful of toilet paper and wiping off Betty's "drool" from her thighs. "Oh no, it's all over your pants," she observed, looking at the bulge at Jon's crotch.

"I'll take care of it. Hurry up and I'll return a little after you so it isn't as obvious."

Jaqi nodded and reached for the door knob. She opened, took a quick peek into the hall, and stepped outside just as Jon thought of something. "Jaqi, honestly, whose sexual fetish did you have yesterday?"

Jaqi froze and turned to look back at him. "Yesterday I had Jennifer's. When you asked if you could use the bathroom, all I could imagine was you using me as your toilet instead."

Jon felt his stomach sour and Karyn soften in his pants as not only thought of the act but remembered for the first time in days that Jennifer had been transformed into a toilet and was currently residing in a dark bathroom in his basement.

"I'll have to take care of that," he said bleakly. "Don't use too much water or else it'll only make it more obvious," Jaqi said, believing his comment was directed at his wet pants. With that, she closed the door and Jon listened to her heeled footsteps moving down the hall.

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