Lauren watched her old body leave the room. “I can’t believe that used to be my’s so young and immature.” Thinking to herself
Then instantly snapping out of it “ must not fall more into thinkining I’m really her...” leaning on her desk she studied herself more. Feeling an odd feeling of being uncomfortable but at the same time struggling to know why. Fiddling with one of the bottoms of her blouse she thought “what is happening to me. My....Ms Trans clothes are so uncomfortable.” Taking a step away from her desk and almost tripping on her heels. “I can feel myself falling more into her personality. I have her body, her clothes, her life and soon I’m afraid I’ll completely become her if I don’t find a way back.”
Pacing across the room. She thought “why is Lauren becoming me faster...” bitting her lip. “Is it because she wants to really be me.” A shocked expression hit her new Asian face. “Maybe I’m holding on to myself because I’m resisting the changes but Ms Tran is completely turning into me because she isn’t....” and her jaw dropped “and that means soon there might be two of me unless I stopping fighting this and completely become her.”