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98. End of a long day

97. Why pick door one, two or thre

96. Passions raise, as do tempers

95. The stone picked...

94. Last class of the day...

93. Multiple classmates with multi

92. A biology lesson

91. Running into a classmate

90. Lunch Break

89. Gym Class

88. Getting ready for gym class

87. Next Class

86. One down...

85. Lucky meeting you here

84. Math Class

83. Trish was the tip of the icebe

82. Early Riser

81. The end of a long day

80. Lilly Investigates

79. It's all coming back to her

Chick for a Dick: Home Sweet Home

on 2016-07-27 13:20:09

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"Oh, Master! You look absolutely exhausted."

Jon was exhausted. It had been a long day at school and he had been quite busy trying to talk to as many transformed girls as he could. Then had come the stress concerning Jaci's change followed by the session of incredible sex after. However, her transformation had additional consequences.

Since they were no longer at Betty's small apartment complex, Jon did not know where he had parked Jessie. By the time he did find her, he realized it was an additional half hour of riding to get back from downtown to his house than if he had left Betty's. It all added up for a long day.

However, Lisa made his homecoming a pleasant one. She had chosen to meet him today dressed as a 1950s housewife. She looked like she had stepped right out of Stepford, wearing a white blouse that accentuated her bust, a black skirt, white heels and with her hair up in a retro style. She held a tray for him which had a tall glass of lemonade.

Jon smiled in appreciation, taking the drink and downed several large gulps of it. "Thanks, Lisa," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "But I would really like-"

"Your bath is already prepared, Master. I will bath you while you relax and I will clean your clothes later." Jon stared at her in disbelief. She stepped forward and tenderly kissed him on the cheek. "I always know what you want, Master," she said with genuine consideration. Jon gave her a hug and kissed her forehead. "Lisa, you're perfect."

Karyn awoke with a jolt as she was submerged in the warm water. The initial rush quickly subsided as she looked up through the clear water to see they were in Jon's massive bathtub. Karyn turned her head back and forth, letting her long hair float in the water around her and gently caress her body. Karyn saw motion above the surface and was happy to see Lisa, completely naked, move up to the edge of the small pool of water.

Karyn watch as one giant leg and then another dropped into the clear water close to her as Lisa entered. She sat down next to Jon, her long legs stretched out along the marble floor of the tub. It was a sight Karyn took in greedily, especially as her gaze made its was up to the mound between her legs. She felt a twitch run through her body as she hardened slightly. She was so lucky to be Jon's penis. Even after having incredible sex with Jaci, Jon still got to come home and have a bath with his personal pleasure servant. Karyn closed her eyes and let herself revel in the warm water and pleasant memories.

Soon, the water in the tub began to churn and swirl. Karyn opened her eyes and could see through the rippling surface that Lisa was cleaning Jon, lathering up his hair before rubbing his body with a sponge. She worked his way down his shoulders, arms, chest, back and stomach, moving closer and closer to the water line. Karyn knew what was coming, and she felt Jon heave beneath her and got a momentary sense of vertigo as the floor of the tub fell away from her as Jon stood up.

The cool air hit Karyn and sent a shiver through her body. At times like this, she knew if she had arms that she'd be wrapping them around herself, like she saw boys do in the locker room when the water got cold. She wondered absently if arms really did help keep you warm, but she just shrugged. Penises don't need arms. They would only get in the way.

Karyn was brought back to the present as she felt the soft sponge run across her body. She hazily recalled Jon giving her a quick wipe down after fucking Jaci, but that was nothing compared to this. Where as that had been quick and utilitarian, this was absolutely divine. Lisa tender fingers delicately rubber down her length, removing and lingering traces of cum before they ran through her hair, making it straight and clean.

By the time Jon sat back down to rinse her off, Karyn was completely hard again. She looked up through the soapy film of the surface and saw Jon and Lisa. The two were close, cuddling together. Jon said something which Lisa laughed at before settling into his arms, the warmth of the water embracing all of them. Karyn sensed she wasn't going to be used any time soon, so she simply closed her eyes and drifted off in the embrace of the warm water.

Karyn woke up as the cool air hit her again. She shuddered slightly and silently waited to be dried off. Soon enough, Lisa ran a towel across her, giving her a couple extra strokes than what was needed to dry her. Lisa gave her a wink while Karyn pursed her lips, blowing her a kiss. Karyn shifted as Jon stretched and headed to the toilet. He raised the seat and aimed Karyn down at the bowl. Soon enough, the stream from her mouth died down. She's kept the pee out of her hair and all in the bowl. Karyn grinned to herself, taking pride as always in what a great penis she was.

Lisa moved up behind Jon and draped his plush bathrobe over his shoulders. Jon slipped his arms into the sleeves and began to walk towards the door into the bedroom, but did not close the robe. Karyn always enjoyed these moments when Jon didn't put her away immediately, and she was pretty sure Jon knew it, too. Karyn saw them approach the bed and braced herself. A moment later, Jon rolled into the bed. Karyn flopped around until Jon came to rest on his back. The robe was spread open, exposing Jon's damp body while Karyn laid limp between his legs.

Except for the sound of Lisa tidying up the bathroom, the room remained quiet for a few minutes. "Jon," Karyn finally said. Jon grunted, the only indication that he had heard her. "I had an idea earlier for a wish." He didn't respond this time, clearly exhausted. Karyn decided to pitch her proposal anyways. "What if you wished for the locker room to be coed? Think about it! How hot would it be to have all of those girls in there, naked, showering, and being able to join them?"

The room returned to silence. Karyn waited several moments and was just beginning to think that he had passed out when Jon mumble "Lisa." As if he had shouted for her through a bullhorn, Lisa dashed into the room. "Yes, Master?" she asked obediently. "The stone," he mumbled again. Lisa departed but quickly returned, carefully cradling the unassuming relic in her hands. She gingerly placed it into Jon's outstretched hand and he wrapped his fingers around it.

"I wish the locker room at my high school was coed."


Jon grumbled to himself and managed to whisper "I wish I wouldn't be late for school tomorrow."


His energy finally spent, Jon passed out, the stone falling from his limp hand to the floor. Karyn let out a deep sigh. "What's wrong?" Lisa ask. The penis-girl looked up at her. "I wanted to have more fun." Lisa giggled and sat on the edge of the bed. "But you just got cleaned up from earlier."

"I'd rather be getting used for fucking than be clean and put away," Karyn pouted. "Aww, poor dick," Lisa teased. "Maybe you can be both." Her fingers expertly wrapped around Karyn's flaccid body and began to stroker her. Karyn moaned as she hardened, soon her entire length standing proudly from Jon's crotch. He moaned pleasantly, but remained asleep. Karyn didn't care, though. This was all for her.

Pre-cum bubbled up her body, and Karyn could feel it gathering at the back of her throat, but she continued to swallow it back. Not only did she want to be a good penis and not make a mess after just getting cleaned, but it tasted so damn good too. Lisa continued to stroke her, squeezing and groping her length in just the right places. When Lisa leaned in and tenderly suckled on Jon's balls, Karyn felt like she was going to explode.

"Lisa! Lisa!" she gasped. Karyn watched as her giant face came in to view before her and opened its mouth invitingly. Karyn gasped as she looked into it, wishing so bad that Lisa would wrap her lips around her and suck her off as she had done so many times before. Instead, Lisa extended her tongue and gently caressed Karyn's throat and chin with the tip.

This set Karyn over the edge and she tensed up. Lisa saw and quickly moved in, her lips puckering tightly to enveloping Karyn's tiny mouth in a bizarre kiss. Karyn's body throbbed as ropes of cum erupted from her mouth directly into Lisa's who greedily swallowed it up. The two staying locked this way until Lisa got every drop she could, Karyn growing softer and softer in her grip. Finally, Lisa pulled back, a fine strand of saliva lingering on Karyn's face as Lisa pulled away. "There," Lisa said proudly as she gently laid Karyn's flaccid body back down. "No mess. Feel better?"

"Uh huh..." Karyn uttered dreamily before she too fell asleep. Lisa giggled quietly and stood up. Looking down, she saw the stone on the floor and reached for it. However, she couldn't pick it up. She recalled her Master's command that she couldn't touch it unless under specific conditions. She shrugged, knowing it was safe enough there until morning.

She moved back to the bathroom to finish tidying up. As she gathered up Jon's dirty clothes, she reflected on her life after her wish. It obviously wasn't what she would have desired for herself a week ago, but that was before she knew the pleasures of her new abilities. And before she really knew Jon.

She looked through the open door at her sleeping Master. Even without that incredible dick and being the best lay she'd ever had, she couldn't deny how fantastic he was. He had been good to her, better than any if her boyfriends had ever been. He was kind, even though he could have commanded her to be nothing more than a mindless sex toy. Although, being treated like a sex toy isn't always bad either, she mused.

Lisa finished her cleaning and discarded the soiled clothes in the hamper. She would clean them after Jon went to school. She smoothly climbed in the bed, careful not to disturb her Master, and moved close to him.

"Lisa," he muttered quietly. "Yes, Master. I am here."

"You really are perfect," he whispered before falling back asleep. Lisa smiled to herself. She was perfect.

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