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93. Multiple classmates with multi

92. A biology lesson

91. Running into a classmate

90. Lunch Break

89. Gym Class

88. Getting ready for gym class

87. Next Class

86. One down...

85. Lucky meeting you here

84. Math Class

83. Trish was the tip of the icebe

82. Early Riser

81. The end of a long day

80. Lilly Investigates

79. It's all coming back to her

78. The Return Home

77. Back at Home

76. Jon's Second Wish Kicks In

75. Jon Doesn't Think Things Throu

74. Heading to Emma's

Chick for a Dick: Fifth Hour

on 2016-06-28 17:00:26

2884 hits, 126 views, 2 upvotes.

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"Alright, everyone. That's class for today. Please make sure your work stations are cleaned up for the next class and remember to be reviewing for the test this Friday," Mr. Trencher announced over the students rushing to gather their things. Jon was collecting his own materials, reflecting on the previous class. Every single fact the teacher introduced to the class, Jon already knew. He could have taught the class himself.

In fact, he was practically a private tutor to Nari, identifying her mistakes and corrected her accordingly during the class. Jon now understood why everyone had been upset when he had been paired off with her. He was the smartest kid in class, so getting paired with him practically guaranteed a perfect grade for the day.

As he walked towards the classroom door, he stopped at a trash can and threw away his notebook and the overstuffed folder he kept his homework assignments in. He wouldn't need them anymore.

Jon stepped into his fifth hour history class with his arms practically empty. Like biology, this had been a class which he had needed a massive notebook to try to keep track off all of the dates and events. Now, all he needed was a textbook to follow along with and a pencil. As he approached his desk in the middle of the room, he saw a pristine stack of papers waiting for him. Jon picked up the magically completed homework and grinned widely. Damn I love that stone.

Jon looked around the mostly full room at his fellow classmates until his eyes fell on one. Renee. From the back, she looked completely normal until she turned around. Her eight breasts were much smaller than they had been during the party. But even with all of them reduced to their current B-cups, they still bulged noticeably under her shirt. Renee turned and met Jon's gaze. She turned back to the group she was with, wrapping up the conversation, before walking over to his desk.

"Hey, Jon. Saturday was incredible! Everyone had a blast."

"Awesome. I'm glad you had a good time."

Renee smiled and gave a small laugh. "Well it doesn't really matter if I had fun. But I did, for the record." Jon paused, visibly confused. "Wait, what are you talking about?" The smile faded from Renee's face. "I was working. At my job. Jon, are you feeling alright? Am I not getting paid for Saturday?"

Jon stared at her, having no idea what she was talking about. "Renee, honestly," he said, taking the direct approach, "what was the wish that changed you and what are you talking about?"

"I was at a table with eight friends. They wished that I would bring them drinks after I had at first refused. It was my night off from being a waitress and I didn't want to do my job without getting paid or getting any enjoyment out of it. Now I get both. The wish gave me enough boobs to hold a drink for everyone at the table. I'm just lucky more of my friends hadn't shown up yet or else I may have ended up with a lot more breasts. But that wasn't all that changed. I wasn't dispensing drinks just because it felt good. I did it because it's now my job. I work for you. I'm part of your event staff. So now I got everything that I wanted. I take pleasure, a lot of pleasure, from my job and I get paid a ton for it! I'm able to go to college and get a brand new car just from working for you. Plus, there are other benefits," she said slyly.

"Like what?"

"First, getting alone time with you every now and then. Also, you let me join in the after party. Fuck, those times are unbelievable. At the end of each event, you also let me load up my boobs with whatever I want before heading home. I never need to spend any money on liquor. You even let me take the top shelf stuff. You're a pretty great boss."

Jon smiled. "So you're happy with your change?"

"Absolutely. I wouldn't trade this job, this body, for anything."

"No, I'm alright. And of course you're getting paid," Jon said, acting as if the previous conversation had never happened. Renee looked visibly relieved. "Ok, just let me know if you're feeling under the weather. I can go get some water for you." Jon smiled at her. "Nah, that's alright. But I did want to talk to you. I know you just worked this past weekend, but I was kicking around the idea of having another get together soon. Would you be interested in serving?"

Her face lit up. "Two events in one month?! Yes! Absolutely! Thank you, Jon!"

Just how much do I pay her? he wondered. He looked at her eight breasts, jiggling under her shirt as she as she bounced with excitement. Whatever it is, it isn't enough.

"I'll email you the details as we get closer." She gave an enthusiastic nod. "Sure thing, boss," she said before rushing back to her friends. !Jon could see that she was sharing her good news with them. Some looked excited, a few looked jealous, but they all looked in his direction. Jon looked over Renee's friends. They were all rather attractive. Maybe I should expand my staff, he thought.

Jon was just beginning to think that Renee was the only transformed girl in the class when Libby entered the room. She had a pretty average body with noticeable breasts, but she had never really stood out to Jon in the past. Her body definitely stood out now, because she had two of them.

Libby's body had remained mostly unchanged except her neck seemed slightly longer. However, another long neck also ran out of her head now, connecting her single head to an exact copy of her body which was behind her original. The two bodies were so close that her rear body's breasts were pressed into the front body's shoulder blades.

Libby, however, was all smiles. Her front body was carrying her school supplies while the rear body's arms reached forward, holding a bottle of soda and a candy bar which she was quickly devouring. She walked down an aisle of desks and approached a seat in the back row. In the past, Libby had sat closer to the front of the room. As Jon watched on, he saw the reason for the change. As Libby's front body sat in the desk, her rear body rested in a chair which had been positioned in the open space directly behind the desk seat.

Jon walked up the the double-bodied girl just as she was finishing her drink. "Hi, Jon," she greeted him warmly. "Thanks for throwing that party. I had a great time."

"Libby, honestly, what was the wish that changed you?"

"My boyfriend Devon and I were having some foreplay before we were going to screw. He likes to get me turned on by tracing his fingers all over my body, and I absolutely love it. I was telling him how good it felt when he wished I had more to touch. The wish doubled up what I had to touch. And it also doubled up what he had to fuck," she said with a giggle.

"I take it that you like your change, then?"

"I love it. It feels so good. My only real drawback is that I now have to eat for two bodies. The good news is that It's next to impossible for me to get fat because there's always somewhere to put the calories."

Jon heard the classroom door close and saw Mr. Lowe was getting ready to start class. "Glad you enjoyed yourself, Libby," Jon said as he started back to his seat.

Jon sat down and looked around, confirming that Libby and Renee were the only changed girls in the class. Jon shrugged to himself. He had already seen way more transformed girls than he had ever thought. Who knew how many more were in classes Jon didn't have?

Jon looked back at Libby who was now eating a small bag off cookies with her rear arms while the front set took notes on the day's lesson. Renee, meanwhile, had not stopped smiling since he had spoken with her. He was glad they enjoyed their change. In fact, almost everyone found their changes enjoyable. Even those who didn't had done something to deserve the karmic justice in Jon's opinion. And even then, they didn't realize they had been transformed and thought it was all normal. Only a couple, like Cathy, seemed like they had gotten screwed over. Jon needed to find a way to help those ones...

A wave of calmness passed over him.

Later. He was having fun at the moment. Besides, he still had one more class. With Ms. Stevens...

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