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84. Math Class

83. Trish was the tip of the icebe

82. Early Riser

81. The end of a long day

80. Lilly Investigates

79. It's all coming back to her

78. The Return Home

77. Back at Home

76. Jon's Second Wish Kicks In

75. Jon Doesn't Think Things Throu

74. Heading to Emma's

73. A Pre-Ride Inspection

72. Getting Ready

71. Jon Checks His Email

70. Plans for Lisa

69. Next on the List

68. Retreating to the Bedroom

67. Zoe's Guest

66. The House is Clean but Jon Fee

65. Kitchen Fun

Chick for a Dick: First Hour

on 2016-05-25 01:16:44

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Jon stepped into his first hour classroom, math with Mr. Pierce. Being the first class of the day, most of his classmates tended to show up early and settle in for the day by talking. Today was no exception. About half the class was already in the room, milling about and sharing stories about the weekend. He was pleased to hear the words "Jon's party" in several of the conversations, but was disappointed that he didn't notice any other changed girls.

Jon sighed and walked down the row of desks to his seat towards the back of the room. At least he knew there would be changed girls in a few of his other classes. As he sat down, he overheard the classroom gossip, Jill, going at it as usual.

"Did you hear? Carly dumped Will."

"Shut up!" exclaimed another of his classmates, Sally. "Yep. She caught him making out with someone else in one of the 'fun rooms' at Jon's and she kicked his ass to the curb," she said proudly. "Whoa. So... Will's single now?" Sally asked hopefully.

"Whatever, Jill. You are so full of shit." Jon smiled slightly as a third girl, Jacqueline, chimed in. Jacqueline had never hesitated to speak her mind, especially when she felt someone was getting out of line. Jon turned to look at here. They had gone to elementary school together, and he reflected how much she had changed in recent years. She was incredibly thin, even the smallest size clothes seemed to hang loosely on her frame. Her naturally brown hair was now bleached snow white and cut short in a buzz cut except for her bangs which were a deep purple and hung down over one side of her face. Her hair was not the only punk inspired part of her style. Her clothing today was compromised of black boots that ran halfway up her to her knees, almost hiding the fact that she was wearing fishnet stockings. She was wearing a short, neon pink and black plaid skirt. She wore a black t-shirt with the logo of some band Jon had never heard of. Finally, there was the jewelry. She had rings on almost every finger, a leather cuff covered in studs on her right wrist and a plastic watch in the shape of a heart with an arrow through it in her left wrist. Her ears seemed to be more earnings than ear, while her nose had a small ring piercing her nostrils. She definitely stood out in a crowd and while opinionated and outspoken, she wasn't a bitch. She simply valued her individuality.

"I saw those two leave party with her hand practically down his pants. They didn't break up. It didn't happen. Just like the rest of your stories," Jacqueline challenged. Jill pouted at her, annoyed at having her bubble burst. "I'm just telling you want I heard."

"What you made up, you mean," Jacqueline countered. Sally frowned at her friend. "Why are you always making shit up? Seriously. Especially about Will?" Sally lowered her voice to a harsh whisper. "You know I like him."

Jill rolled her eyes, making Sally only more annoyed. Sally stamped her foot down. "I wish everyone could tell when you're talking out of your ass!"


Nobody else in the room flinched, but Jon immediately turned all of his attention to Jill. His mouth hung open as he looked at her. The lower half of her face was completely different. Everything between her cheekbones and jawline had been replaces with a round, pert, feminine ass. Where her nose had been was now the top of the ass crack. Jon heard the sound of a fart, realizing that it was Jill letting out a strong exhale.

"I'm thorry, Thally," Jill spoke, the words causing the butt cheeks to jiggle on her face. "I didn't mean to upthet you," she lisped. Sally's expression softened. "It's alright. Just stop lying. Please? It's going to get you into trouble someday."

Jill nodded and sat down in the desk in front of Jon's. As Sally walked to her own seat, Jon stared forward at the back of Jill's head, the round cheeks on her face still noticeably sticking out past the sides of her head. Feeling his stare, Jill turned around. Her eyes squinted into what he assumed was a smile.

"Hey, Jon. Thaterday wath awethome."

Jon sat silent, continuing to stare at her, too shocked to speak. Feeling awkward, the ass-faced girl looked around before looking back to his gaze and asked "Ith thomething wong?"

"Jill, honestly, how the fuck were you changed just now?!" Jon blurted out. Just like with the flash earlier, nobody in the class reacted to Jon's outburst. Nobody except for Jill. "I wath changed by your earlier witth," she farted out. Apparently trying to make a "sh" was extremely difficult for her, coming out sounding like particularly loud flatulence.

"What wish?" he asked, still extremely perplexed. "You witthed that all girlth who had methed around with Thoe and were at your party would be changed by the nekths witth made on them." Between his confusion and Jill's new lisp, Jon was struggling to keep up. "But why change now?"

"Becauthe that wath the firtht witth anyone made about me," she responded matter-of-factly. Jon slumped in his chair as he realized what he had created. He hadn't set a time limit. Any girl Zoe had been intimate with who also attended the party was still susceptible to being changed by a wish.

"So, uh, what do you think of your change?" he asked. "Are you fucking kidding me?! Look at me! I have an athth for a fathe!" she exclaimed through a series of obscene noises. "I can't eben talk right anymore becauthe of thith," she said as she raised her hands up and spead the cheeks. Between them it was just as had Jon suspected. Her mouth was gone, replaced by a puckered anus. "Eben when I'm not lithping, it thtill thoundth like I'm farting whenever I thpeak," the sphincter said.

Jon sat back in astonishment, unable to stop looking at the sight before him until a voice next to him announced "I was changed."

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