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77. Back at Home

76. Jon's Second Wish Kicks In

75. Jon Doesn't Think Things Throu

74. Heading to Emma's

73. A Pre-Ride Inspection

72. Getting Ready

71. Jon Checks His Email

70. Plans for Lisa

69. Next on the List

68. Retreating to the Bedroom

67. Zoe's Guest

66. The House is Clean but Jon Fee

65. Kitchen Fun

64. Two the Kitchen

63. Moving Along

62. Next on the List...

61. Trying a New Power

60. Wishing around the house

59. Walking the Dog

58. And Upward

Chick for a Dick: Vehicle Maintenance

on 2015-01-02 06:44:33

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Jon pulled into his driveway, reflecting on the night. Emma had been almost as insatiable during their second round of fucking as she had been right after laying her egg. Dusk had begun to settle in before they had left the woods and were heading back home. Emma had held tightly to Jon during the ride, snuggling up to him as close as she could. Jessie, however, was clearly enjoying the ride even more than her passengers. True to what she had told Jon earlier, the motor-cycle girl definitely found it arousing when the headlights that had once been her breasts were switched on. Even more so when he switched them to the high beams. And seeing as how most of their ride had been through dark, solitary back roads, this made up a majority of the trip. She had been moaning so loudly that she could be heard even over the sound of her own engine.

Jon had dropped Emma off at her house a few minutes earlier. She had given him a deep kiss and thanked him again for the great night and for acting so kindly towards her. She also said that she would let him know when her next laying day was approaching so they could do it again. Jon watched her hips sway as she walked towards he front door, wondering if he should make a wish for her to lay an egg every week instead of every month. He quickly dismissed the thought, feeling it was better for Emma to be at least slightly normal. Besides, he had plenty of other girls to have fun with, transformed or otherwise.

For now, Jon was glad to be home. Even if that home was now practically a palace in the middle of the suburbs. As Jon pulled Jessie up to the garage door it automatically opened and Jon was able to take in just how huge the room was. It was the size of a dealership showroom, and it looked like it too. Rows of luxury cars, sports cars, and exotic vehicles filled the room. Jon took in the sight of his impressive car collection and could not tell if he was relieved or disappointed to see that none of the other vehicles were any of his transformed classmates.

Jon revved the engine to pull Jessie into the garage, and she quickly spoke up. "Wait, Jon. Could you top me off first?" she asked, nodding towards a fuel pump installed nearby in the wall. Jon lightly twisted the throttle, causing them to glide forward and stop right next to the pump. "And," she added as Jon dismounted her, "could you leave me on when you do it?" Jon could see the anticipation in her chrome eyes. He reached down and turned her key, killing her engine. Her face frozen with the eager expression still looking upwards, but her eyes now vacant. Jon gave the key a half turn, waking her back on. "Thanks," she said.

Jon nodded and rubbed his legs, feeling the tingling left over from Jessie's motor. He could see why Jessie had liked riding so much when she was normal. Jon looked at the transformed girl and reached forward, firmly grasping the gas cap between her shoulder blades. As he turned it, Jessie started to breath harder, causing her headlight-breasts to heave slightly. Jon removed the cap and reached for the fuel nozzle and looked back at Jessie. All of her attention was on the gas nozzle in his hand, and she bit her lower lip as she gazed at it. Over the past few days, Jon had seen a similar expression on the face of many different girls. It was the look of pure lust. Unlike the other girls, however, it was not what was between his legs that Jessie wanted.

Jon tilted the nozzle down and touched the tip to the rim of the hole in Jessie's back. The mechanical girl hummed erotically, her eyes closing. Jon then slid the nozzle in the rest of the way, and watched as the leather seat her ass had been turned into seemed to twitch slightly. A gasp escaped her lips as he started to pour the gas into her. As the sound of liquid on metal filled the area, the hiss of Jessie's shocks joined them as she bounced slightly. Even though nobody was thrusting into her, the former human's instinct was to still create a rhythm to her pleasure. Soon, that gave way to moaning before she began to cry out. "Jon Jon I'm so full! So full! I'm I can feel it it's AHH!" she shouted as gas began to overflow from her tank and down her metal body.

"Shit!" Jon cursed, killing the flow of liquid and pulling the nozzle out which only cause Jessie to groan again. Looking around, Jon saw the far end of the garage was covered in tools and supplies which he quickly moved towards. Moments later, he returned to Jessie's side with a thick stack of soft towels and began to rub and caress her body with them, soaking up the spilt fuel. The fact that Jessie was still recovering from her orgasm and tended to twitch made the task take longer as gas would occasional spill out of the overfilled tank. But, it did make it more enjoyable as well as Jon repeatedly rubbed Jessie down. Finally, Jon reached for the gas cap and quickly inserted it and locked it in place. The swift action cause Jessie to let out a throaty groan, as if he had just shoved a dildo into her. Jon stood back and watcher her, waiting for her to come down from her sexual high.

Eventually, Jessie's breathing returned to normal and she stopped twitching. She looked up at Jon, a mixture of exhaustion and contentment on her face. "Thanks, Jon. That felt great. There isn't any damage to my clear coat, is there?" Jon laughed. Jessie always did like to keep her bike looking it's best, and now that it was her body as well, it only made sense that she was just a concerned about it. "Nope, it looks fine. I got it fast enough. But still, I'll get you waxed just to be sure," he said. Her eyes lit up. "I can't wait."

Jon looked across the garage and saw a line of motorcycles with an unoccupied space. He figured that was Jessie's spot in the garage and flipped up her kick stand. "Thanks for taking me out, Jon. It was as fun as always," she said as he walked her into position. Jon lowered her kick stand and started to reach for her key when an idea came to him. Without warning, Jon gave her seat-ass a playful slap. Jessie let out a sharp gasp right as Jon turned and removed the key. He face was frozen, her eyes opened in wide excitement, while her lips were locked in an enticing O-shape.

Pleased with the result, Jon turned towards the door to the house, content to leave Jessie just as she was. At least until their next ride.

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