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72. Getting Ready

71. Jon Checks His Email

70. Plans for Lisa

69. Next on the List

68. Retreating to the Bedroom

67. Zoe's Guest

66. The House is Clean but Jon Fee

65. Kitchen Fun

64. Two the Kitchen

63. Moving Along

62. Next on the List...

61. Trying a New Power

60. Wishing around the house

59. Walking the Dog

58. And Upward

57. Onward...

56. Down We Go

55. Giant Party Equals...

54. Wakey Wakey

53. The Party Dies Down

Jon Steps Out

on 2013-09-30 16:01:06
Episode last modified by Brayn on 2021-09-16 23:40:32

2658 hits, 127 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon opened the door to his closet and stepped inside. As he walked past the long rows of clothing on either side of him, almost over flowing off the racks, he realized he had not really inspected his new wardrobe in the time since he had conjured it up. Everything he had worn in the past couple days had been picked out for him by Lisa. As he thought back on it, he realized just how good her sense of fashion had been as well as how impressive it was to even find anything amongst the seemingly endless supply of clothing.

As he walked down the aisle of clothing a motor cycle helmet sitting on a shelf caught his eye. Jon was relieved to see that additional riding clothes were located near it. "That's one problem solved," he thought. Jon emerged from the closet with the bundle of clothes in his arms and threw his selection down onto his bed. Nodding with approval, he reached down and removed the stone from his robe pocket. "First things first," he said, thinking over his next round of wishes. "I wish I will never cause or be involved in a traffic accident. I wish none of my vehicles will ever be stolen or vandalized. I wish I was an accomplished and knowledgeable motorcycle rider capable of advance maneuvers and tricks with a bike."


Though he didn't feel any different, Jon knew he would not have any problems taking his new motorcycle for its maiden ride. Jon grinned silently at the unintentional pun, seeing as how the motorcycle he was taking out had, up until last night, been a girl. Jon just shrugged and started to undo the robe belt. He could just ask Jessie what she thought of her new body when he got outside.

Jon shrugged the robe off and let it fall to the floor. He looked down and saw Karyn was still asleep, dangling limply between his legs with a lazy smile on her face. "She's going to be even happier when she wakes up and I've got Emma with me," he thought mischievously. He reached down and began to dress, hoping to let Karyn rest as much as possible so she would not wake up until it was time for another round of fun. As Jon pulled up his pants zipper, he felt Karyn shift her form and nuzzle up into the cloth of his underwear, contently wrapped up in her now familiar world.

Jon practically sprinted down the stairs, almost giddy for his ride. Amanda, hearing the commotion, ran into the foyer. Her long tongue was hanging out of her mouth with her enhanced canine teeth showing prominently, her lips pulled back in a vacant grin. Her tail wagged rapidly to emphasize her mood. Jon reached down an petted her head, his fingers running though her still human hair. In response, the dog-girl rolled on to her back, exposing her eight breasts. Jon shrugged and reached down, giving each set a firm squeeze. Amanda let out a pleasant groan as her right rear leg began to kick at the air. After giving the strange belly rub, Jon looked Amanda in the eye. "Zoe is going to take care of you tonight. Let her know when you need to go out," he said, looking down at her. "Bark!" she responded, the familiar vacant expression in her eyes. Jon rolled his eyes. "Why do I even bother?" he playfully mussed as he stepped out the front door.

Jon walked down the marble walkway from his front door to his driveway, his gaze locked on Jessie's red and chrome form. He approached her and gently slit his fingertips across her new body. It was hard and glossy to the touch, yet warm as living flesh. He stepped in front of her and kneeled down, coming face to face with the transformed girl. "Jessie, honestly, how do you like the new you?" he asked pleasantly. Jon waited a moment for her response, however the motorcycle-girl didn't say a word. In fact, Jon realized he had not seen her move at all since discovering her earlier that morning. Unlike Cathy or Jennifer, Jessie was not responding to anything that was happening around her. It appeared as if her transformation had been different than the other girls, and that she was now simply an inanimate object with no life in her at all. Jon frowned, feeling a sense of loss. He had always thought Jessie was a nice girl, but it looked like her personality was now gone forever, and she was trapped in the silent form of the motorcycle in front of him. Jon wondered if she would take any comfort in the fact that she had at least been transformed into the same type of machine which had brought her so much enjoyment when she was still human.

Jon sighed and stood up, moving to the side of her form. He swung his leg over her body and settled into the plush leather seat which had used to be the girl's round ass. He inserted the key into the ignition. As he did, a soft hum came from the front of the bike. Jon was startled to see Jessie's head turn to look over her shoulder at him. "Hey, Jon," she said cheerfully. "Where are we off to?"

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