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70. Plans for Lisa

69. Next on the List

68. Retreating to the Bedroom

67. Zoe's Guest

66. The House is Clean but Jon Fee

65. Kitchen Fun

64. Two the Kitchen

63. Moving Along

62. Next on the List...

61. Trying a New Power

60. Wishing around the house

59. Walking the Dog

58. And Upward

57. Onward...

56. Down We Go

55. Giant Party Equals...

54. Wakey Wakey

53. The Party Dies Down

52. Fallout From Zoe's Orgy

51. The More the Merrier

Lisa's Night Off

on 2012-11-25 23:36:47

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Jon picked up the stone and slipped it into the pocket of his bathrobe and stepped into his office, jumping slightly as he came face to face with the still nude Lisa. "I heard you talking to your sister, Master. Thank you for standing up for me. Although I am happy to be yours, I do dislike people considering me to be just some piece of property." Jon waved a hand, dismissing the notion. "Lisa, I know better, and I will not let anyone disrespect you." Lisa smiled warmly at him. "Thank you, Master. Also, what did you mean by giving me a 'little break'," she asked, a sense of curiosity in her tone. Jon walked up to her and tenderly took her hands into his, and looked into her eyes. "I know that you are happy serving me, and I enjoy having you here with me. But, it must get boring sitting around this house all day, doing my chores and just waiting for me to summon you." Lisa shook her head slightly. "Not at all, Master. I exist to serve you now."

Jon sighed, collecting his thoughts to try again. "I know you do, Lisa. But I want you to live for more, too. Your wish has really changed you, so I want you to have a night out, having some normal fun, without needing to depend on me." Lisa's face dropped, an almost desperate expression filling her face. "Are you sending me away, Master?" Jon sighed sympathetically and cupped her cheek with his hand. "Not at all." Lisa's released a relieved sigh, but her expression did not improve much. "Then, what are you planning, Master?"

"Lisa, does everyone think of you as a sex toy?" he asked, ignoring her question. "Almost everyone I spoke with at the party seemed to think so. In this reality, it apparently caused quite a commotion among the students at our school when it was learned I volunteered for the process to make me into an ultimate pleasure servant. Some of my old friends asked me what it was like, how I felt, and what you liked to use me for. A few even seemed to think of me as only some sort of mindless doll now." Jon stepped back and started walking around her, looking her body over. "If you changed your form, would people know it is you?" She turned her head to face him but left the rest of her body standing at attention. "Oh no, Master. I am capable of passing myself off as a different person and, if need be, act independently in society if that is your wish." Jon stepped back in front of her and looked into her eyes. "Master?"

"Lisa, I want you to change you appearance so you look different so you will not be recognizable as yourself but still attractive, and stay at the same age as you are now. I want you to think you are a girl that goes to our school named 'Lilly' and you were at the party last night, but you are only now just leaving. I want you to act and feel as an independent person, forgetting about being my love servant, your wish which transformed you, the stone, the time you have spend here as my servant, and any control I have over you and to just go out and have fun for the night as a normal person. You will think your appearance and identity are real for while you have them and you will not react to my control or influence unless I speak commands out loud for you. After I am done with my date tonight and return home, you will feel an irresistible urge to return here and see me. At that time I will give you your next commands. These changes will begin now."

Jon jumped back as Lisa's head twitched and cock to one side. Her entire body flowed like water as she changed. Her hair became brown, shrank to her shoulders and became slightly curly. Her cheekbones became less prominent, giving her face a slightly rounder look while her nose shrank into a cute button. Her lips changed their natural tone but remained as full as before while her eyes become hazel with flecks of coppery brown within them. Her impressive bust shrank down to a modest B-cup and her nipples became a dark tan color. Her hips and ass flared out slightly, making her hips her most prominent feature while a patch of neatly trimmed pubic hair in the shape of a heart grew above her clit. Her entire skin tone then darken from her natural white skin to a light olive. Finally, she shrank down, losing height until she stood at about 5'4". Her eyes fluttered briefly and then snapped open, staring at him.

"Oh shit," she said, her voice different along with the rest of her body. "Jon, I am so sorry. I don't know how I ended up in here. I mean, we didn't you know?" she trailed off. Her speech pattern was no longer the sweet, submissive one he had gotten so used to. She now sounded like a normal girl, and apparently her personality leaned more towards the timid side as opposed to Lisa's original bold, outgoing one. "No," he said, not sure if he was lying or not. He had of course had sex with Lisa many times before, but now that she was "Lilly", he had not really had any type of sexual encounter with her. "I was just wrapping up a bath and came in here. You were asleep on the couch," he said, pointing at a leather couch next to a coffee table sitting in the room. "Where are my clothes?" she asked, covering herself as best she could as her whole body began to blush. "They are in the other room in a pile on the floor," he said. The girl quickly ran past him and into the other room. Jon reached into his pocket and gripped the stone while his other hand covered his mouth to muffle his voice. "I wish Lisa, currently 'Lilly', was dressed in clothes which match her current style and personality," he whispered.

There was a small flash and Jon peeked back into the room to see "Lilly" standing next to the bed. She was wearing a green top and padded bra, enhancing her bust and a pair of low cut jeans which emphasized her hips. She looked over and saw him, her blush returning even with her now being completely clothed. "I'm sorry, Jon," she repeated. "I didn't mean to pass out in your bedroom. I don't even remember having anything to drink last night," she said. "It's no problem. It's not like you were naked or anything," he said, knowing she would be oblivious to the fact that she had been just seconds earlier since reality had changed. Jon watched as her blush deepened and she looked down at the floor. She was actually pretty cute in an awkward way. "You haven't seen my purse, have you?" she asked. Jon shrugged and shook his head. "I haven't but if it turns up, I'll let you know. Tell you what," Jon said as he opened a drawer on his end table and pulled some money out of his wallet and handed her the bills, "take this to get you by and you can pay me back after you find your purse. I insist." The girl smiled and looked into his eyes, timidly taking the bills from his out stretched hand. "Thanks, Jon. I'll pay you back right away. And if you find a purse around here and the ID inside says 'Lilly', that's mine."

"I'll keep an eye out for it," he promised. "Lilly" smiled and started heading for the bedroom door. "Um, how do I get outside?" she asked. "Turn right, go down the stairs, and the front door is right there." She stuck her head out into the hallway and looked right, seeing the staircase. She looked back at Jon. "Um, see you around?" she said in a hopeful tone. "Yeah," he said knowingly. "I'll see you later."

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