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67. Zoe's Guest

66. The House is Clean but Jon Fee

65. Kitchen Fun

64. Two the Kitchen

63. Moving Along

62. Next on the List...

61. Trying a New Power

60. Wishing around the house

59. Walking the Dog

58. And Upward

57. Onward...

56. Down We Go

55. Giant Party Equals...

54. Wakey Wakey

53. The Party Dies Down

52. Fallout From Zoe's Orgy

51. The More the Merrier

50. Wishing Continues

49. Next Round

48. Return to the Party

A (Sort of) Familiar Face

on 2012-11-16 06:36:12

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Jon sighed as he walked down the hallway. While his visit with Jennifer had not been as disgusting as he feared, it had not been too productive either. Jon felt a wave of calmness pass over him. It was not big deal, he had plenty of time to figure it out later. In the meantime, he had a sexy computer-girl in his room and a date to get ready for. He absent mindedly patted his right pocket, comforted to feel the bulge of the stone. He would was going to need it for a couple of loose ends before meeting up with Emma.

As Jon walked past the kitchen door, he heard a clatter inside followed by a soft curse. Cracking the door open, Jon expected to find Lisa cleaning up after the big breakfast she had cooked. Instead, he saw a different girl kneeling on the floor. She was reaching for an overturned plate, scrambled eggs covered the floor. She had her back to him and was wearing an oversized t-shirt which hung loosely on her frame. As she reached forward, she shifted onto her hands and knees, displaying her round ass covered by a pair of black, lacey, boy cut panties. Jon knew exactly who it was. The jet black hair with neon blue highlights was a dead giveaway.

"Hey, Athena," Jon said casually. The girl on the floor gave a loud shout and shot up, still on her knees. "Damn it, Jon. Don't sneak up on me like that!" she said as she rose to her feet. As she turned around, Jon gasped and began laughing uncontrollably. Athena stared at him, a confused look on her face. "It's not that funny, Jon," she said, sounding slightly annoyed. Jon took several deep breaths, and began wiping the tears from his eyes, trying to calm himself. "That's not what I'm laughing about." Athena crossed her arms under her breasts and stared at him. "Well then, what is it?"

As Jon lowered his hands from his eyes, he took in the sight of the Athena's new form. Her nose was gone, vanished from her face. In its place was a limp penis, about four inches long, dangling down so the tip was slightly below the level of her mouth. The organ made her look like some sort of perverted elephant. "Athena, honestly how the hell did this happen to you?"

Athena's expression softened, her gaze zoning out. "Last night, I was upstairs with Zoe in her room. We were making out and she was telling me how good I make and all of her parts feel, but she said she still likes cock from time to time." The blunt confession about his sister's sexual desires took Jon slightly off guard, but he didn't have time to dwell on it as Athena continued. "Tiffany and Amber agreed, but Sarah said she was happy with just pussy. Zoe wished I could give them all just what they wanted. The next moment, I was changed."

Jon looked Athena over head to toe. Her arms were still crossed under her breasts, pushing them up slightly. As Jon gazed at them, he saw there was something odd about them. Blinking twice, Athena suddenly stood naked before him and confirmed his suspicions. Her nose was not the only thing changed. Both of her nipples had also been replaced with an identical pair of dicks, slightly smaller than her nose-cock. Her former nipple piercing remained as each cock-nipple had a ring piercing just below the ridge of their heads. "Was anything else changed other than your nose and nipples?" Jon asked. "Yeah. The nose and tits were so Zoe, Tiffany and Amber could still have the dick they liked, but Sarah's two favorite things are licking pussy and kissing. So," the girl slightly spread her legs and Jon watched as a long tongue began to snake its way out from her lower lips, "now I can do both with her at the same time." The tongue wiggled slightly before beginning to retract back into Athena's body, a moan escaping her as it dragged across her clit. "Do you do that to yourself a lot?" he asked.

"I like to do it at night when I'm alone, but sometimes my mind will wander and I'll start doing it when I really shouldn't. It gets really embarrassing to be turned on with these things attached to me," she said, gesturing to her altered nipples. "Like, if I'm in the middle of class and get turned on, my shirt will tent pole and my nose gets hard in front of everyone. It's even worse if I get called up to the board." Jon knew exactly what she was talking about. He could recall a few times he had an embarrassing erection in class. It would have been even worse to have three and to have one be so visible. As Jon's attention shifted back to Athena, he could see her tongue's demonstration and talking about her nightly fun was having an effect on her as all three of her dicks had started becoming erect. "So, did Zoe and her additions put your new additions to good use?" Athena smiled, her nose twitching and hardening more at the memory. "Yeah. While it feels good when I suck on my nose and jerk off my nipples while licking myself out, nothing compares to getting three blowjobs at once and feeling two tongues French kissing in your pussy." Her nose was now fully erect, between six to seven inches long, and Jon could see a thick bead of pre-cum forming at the tip. "Athena, the original Athena, did you and Zoe ever fool around before she was changed?"

"We practiced kissing a few times, and we would compare boobs, but nothing like now," she responded, her hands moving to lightly stroke her nipple-shafts. "And how do you feel about her now?" Athena looked into his eyes, her expression turning tender. "She's my best friend, and nobody has ever made me feel the way she does. I really care for her." Jon nodded. "I take it that means you're alright with what's happened to you?" Athena nodded sharply, the cock in the center of her face continuing to bob slightly after her head stopped. "I am perfect for her now, and she's perfect for me."

Jon smiled a little and blinked twice again, the clothes returning to the girl's body. However, the nipple-dicks were now standing erect under her shirt. "Athena, you zoned out a second there." With the questioning trance broken, the annoyed expression returning to her face. "Well, what's so funny." Jon tapped his own nose. "You have a little something there." The annoyed look quickly faded as her eyes went wide, then crossed to stare down the length of the shaft on her face. She quickly turned red as she noticed the glossy sheen on the tip. She traced her right index finger over the tip, wiping it clean before wrapping her lips around the finger and sucking the juices off. "I guess my mind was wandering. But still, don't sneak up on me like that!" she said, giving him a playful push. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just hear a noise and wanted to make sure everything was alright."

Athena returned to the plate and food on the floor. "Yeah. I was getting breakfast for Zoe and me. My hands were full and I dropped the plate," she said, gesturing to a couple glasses of orange juice on the counter. "Well, better the eggs than the juice," Jon offered as he started back towards the door. "I guess," she agreed. "But now I need to remake the them. I am not serving Zoe floor food." Jon laughed. "Good point. Oh, by the way, can you let Zoe know I want to talk to her. I have a few questions I want to ask her."

Athena nodded as she scooped the eggs up in handfuls. "Sure, I'll let her know." Jon watched Athena move around the kitchen. Her nose had gone flaccid again, and she was completely oblivious as to how ridiculous it looked swinging back and forth on her face. He gave a little snicker which earned him a playful-annoyed expression from Athena. Jon held up his hands in mock surrender and watched as Athena smiled sweetly at him. Suddenly, it sunk into Jon. She was flirting with him! Even with three cocks on her, she was still a girl, and the same wish which made her so enamored with Zoe was also making her attracted to him. "See you later!" he exclaimed, quickly darting out of the kitchen.

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