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65. Kitchen Fun

64. Two the Kitchen

63. Moving Along

62. Next on the List...

61. Trying a New Power

60. Wishing around the house

59. Walking the Dog

58. And Upward

57. Onward...

56. Down We Go

55. Giant Party Equals...

54. Wakey Wakey

53. The Party Dies Down

52. Fallout From Zoe's Orgy

51. The More the Merrier

50. Wishing Continues

49. Next Round

48. Return to the Party

47. To the Basement!

46. Tracking Down the Changes

Company for Breakfast

on 2012-07-25 17:32:08

2679 hits, 118 views, 2 upvotes.

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"I know, right? Look at this place! Geez, you'd think people would have more respect for someone's home," Erin said as she stepped further into the kitchen. Erin looked up at Olivia, as if she had just noticed her for the first time. Jon realized Erin had not actually paid Olivia any attention when she had first entered, Jon had still been questioning her. It was only after Jon talked to Erin the trance was broken. "Jeez, Olivia, are you trying to poke someone's eye out?" Jon looked at Olivia and could see her blushing deeply. She tried to press on her boobs slightly as if trying to make them shrink. It remind Jon of the times he had gotten a boner in class and was trying to make it go down before someone noticed. Erin moved closer and bumped hips with Olivia, as if she was trying to give her a teasing tap. "Don't worry about it. I know what a tease Jon can be. Besides, none of us were complaining last night."

Jon had been watching Olivia's breasts shrinking more and more. At Erin's comment about the previous night, he noticed they swelled up a little and remained their current size for a moment before continuing to shrink again. Jon guessed Olivia's memories of the night before must have been pretty erotic. Too bad he didn't remember anything.

"Master, would you like me to make breakfast for you and your guests before I begin cleaning?" Lisa asked politely. Jon took another look around the kitchen, taking in the mess. Erin had move behind a counter, the top of her head just barely visible as she made her way around the room. "It doesn't even look like there's anything to make for breakfast," she commented. Olivia returned to the cupboard she had been looking through when Jon had first entered, still completely naked. "Yeah, I've looked through most of the kitchen and it looks like everything has been picked through." Jon frowned, annoyed at the mess. "Hang on one second, I'll be right back."

Jon stepped out into the hall and made sure the door closed behind him. He looked up and down the hall, making sure he was alone. Pulling the stone out of his pocket, he cupped it in his hands and pulled it close, as if he were going to share a secret with it. "I wish the house was clean from the party last night and the kitchen was full stocked with any food my guests and I could want." Jon pocketed the stone and reentered the kitchen.

"How about sausage links?" he heard Erin ask as he stepped in. The kitchen was completely different. The floor and counters were all spotless with not a single speck of food anywhere. All of the cabinets were closed except for one Olivia was looking through which was completely filled with boxes of food. "Ug, I don't eat pork," she responded. "How about cinnamon rolls?" Erin hopped into a stool at a high table against the far end of the room, her chin just barely above the tabletop. "I find it really hard to eat cinnamon rolls without making a mess," she admitted. "Well, how about-"

"Both," Jon cut in. Both girl turned to look at him, smiles on their faces. "Lisa, please make some sausage links for Erin, some cinnamon rolls for Olivia, and enough extra for the both of us." Lisa nodded. "Right away, Master." Lisa moved quickly, pulling out the necessary ingredients and utensils as if she had cooked in this kitchen a million times. Jon and Olivia joined Erin at the table, taking about the party while Lisa worked. Jon noticed Olivia's breasts swelling a little each time he would turn her way, obviously loving whenever he would give her attention. Jon had thought about returning her clothes, but he was having too much fun. Before long, Lisa brought over plates, napkins, forks, and glasses (with a straw in Erin's) and brought the food to the table. She then began cleaning up while the three ate. Jon watched as Erin as she leaned into the plate and used her tongue to tilt a sausage so she could more easily get it into her mouth. From there, she would slurp it in like an oversized spaghetti noodle and chew it before swallowing. When she noticed Jon's gaze, she took the next one in her mouth and slowly sucked it in and out a couple time before extending her tongue and pulling the whole sausage in, letting out an obvious moan.

Olivia watched on, jealous of the competition. She took a bite of her roll, letting some of the gooey frosting fall onto her bare breast. "Jon, could you please wipe this off fro me?" she asked, leaning her chest towards him. With a smile, Jon reached over and ran his finger along her breast, wiping off the frosting. Before he could pull back, Olivia leaned in and sucked his finger clean. By the time she leaned back, Jon saw her breasts had already grown to large C-cups. The two girls glanced at each other, a playful look of competition in their eyes as the both turned their gaze to Jon. Jon held back a chuckle, wondering if he should make a wish for breakfast to always be this much fun.

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