After Math was Physics with Mr. McGrath. Despite his best efforts, Jon showed up at class just after the bell rang. He wasn't quite sure how...he'd stopped only at his new locker again.
"I'm sorry I'm late, Mr. McGrath..." he started.
As he tried to head toward his seat, the teacher cleared his throat. "Late? Who exactly are you? Are you sure you have the right class?"
He paused, seeing Tiffany seating where he normally did. She looked at him strangely, but then looked away. "I..." he said. "Are you sure?" There was a murmur in the room.
"Reasonably so. I haven't forgotten a student yet. Are you feeling all right?" He asked, concerned.
"Yes..." he said, trailing off. "I'd...better get to the right class." He hurried off.
Tiffany could hear someone in class muttering about what a ditz Jon was. But she wasn't so sure. There was something strange going on there, but she wasn't sure what, or why? Maybe it would be smart to keep an eye on what Jon was up to, especially if he insisted on following her for some reason.
Jon went to try to head back to his locker to find a schedule, but got stopped in the hall by Miss Hawke. He'd had her as a teacher freshman year. "Jon...what are you doing out in the hall."
"I...went to the wrong class..." He looked particularly confused...apparently so much so that thoughts of disclipinary action for missing class left Miss Hawke's mind.
"Oh, Jon...maybe we should talk."