In the distance, I could see a crater. And in the middle was something glowing. I had heard about these sorts of things. They were falling stars. Not actually meteors, but rather magical objects that crash to the ground. They were sent by the Gods, as sort of a bonus item to obtain. Sometimes it would be an object that could repel all magical attacks. And other times it would be an object that would allow the one that possessed it to be immortal. I wondered what this object could be. I also wondered if this was the point of my "secret quest", or if was it just detour. Either way, I really wouldn't have minded having an ultra-powerful object in my arsenal. Who would?
The crater was down in a small valley, just a few miles off in the distance. It wouldn't take too long to get there. But it might have been easier if I had some clothes. Not only did shoes sound like a great idea, but a shirt sounded good too. Anything to stop my breasts from bouncing every time I took a step.
But just as I began to walk in that direction, I spotted a caravan of people off to my left and down in the valley. They were headed towards the falling star, I just knew it.
I had to pick up my pace.