Suddenly, I heard an explosion and the ground began to shake violently under me and the sky became gray with smoke.
I jumped up to my feet and looked around until I saw where the explosion sound came from. In the distance, I could see ...
20. Explosion
19. Taking A Rest
18. Logout
17. The fun starts
16. Rex's Place
15. Rex's Place
14. Loss of control
13. Going "home"
12. More Details
10. from Good Luck
9. Good Luck
7. my MAP
5. Shocked
1091 hits, 20 views, 0 upvotes.
Return to Parent EpisodeSuddenly, I heard an explosion and the ground began to shake violently under me and the sky became gray with smoke.
I jumped up to my feet and looked around until I saw where the explosion sound came from. In the distance, I could see ...
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