In the distance, I could see an erupting volcano. Lava was pouring down the side of it facing me.
"You have got to be kidding me," I said out loud. Although the volcano was close enough to see, it was still really far away. So, I didn't seem to be in any immediate danger.
Until I saw the lava moving towards me along the road, that was. I turned back to where I came from and ran as fast as I could. A couple of times I stubbed my foot on a sharp rock or twig, but didn't stop to soothe my aching feet, like I did before. The lava was moving fast. Too fast to stop and take a break.
At the end of the road, there were three boulders. I climbed up on one of them and watched the lava move towards me and splash into the giant rock.
I was safe, for the moment. But I was also trapped, surrounded by a sea of molten rock.