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6. Splitting Up

5. the Stores have changed... sor

4. Going Shopping

3. A wish for something interesti

2. Heading Home

1. You Are What You Wish

Not Going Shopping

on 2019-08-14 08:04:51

2296 hits, 189 views, 1 upvotes.

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After Zoe split off from the group, Mikey and Jon were left following their Mom who started speaking "Right I Need to go to Scummary first and a few other places but I'll be ending in Pandora's Pottery if you still need a lift home Jon. Mikey your with me. Need to get you more clothes and shoes."

"Tch. I hate Shopping." muttered Mikey.

Jon just continued following taking it all in. but came to an abrupt stop when he nearly tripped over Mikey.

"Hey watch were your going."

He looked down then at a stopped Mikey then forwards again to see his mother was talking to one of her friends. Ah.

"Jon can I go with you, Mom wont let me off on my own, she already knows what to shop for I'm not needed here. Please. Pleeeease." he pleaded.

"Yeah, Sure. Whatever. I was just going to wander around anyway I have no particular plans."

"YES. Wooooo." Mikey exclaimed, quickly turning back to their mom to say "Mom, hon Said he'd take me. You don't have to worry 'Kay Bye."

Linda turned her her from the conversation for a moment to say "Wait a minute Mikey" before continuing on to talk to her pal.

Jon and Mikey waited for a thirty to forty seconds before Mikey got fidgety again.

"Mom" No response. "Moooom." still no response. Mikey then stared straight up to the roof and repeated "Moooom, Mom. Mooooooooooooom."

"MICHAEL." sharply shouted his mother a couple of octaves lower than her conversation with her friend.

Uh oh Thought Jon and Mikey simultaneously. Jon quickly glanced at his mothers friends face and could visibly see the Uh oh on her face too.

"Uhhhhm, I'm sorry Mom, but you said a minute and its been like 3. Can we please get some money to go to Destroy a Doll." asked Mikey.

What's Destroy a doll thought Jon

His mothers reply was, "Did you bring anything." knowing he hadn't. "I'm not letting you Rent a doll. I'm not made of money if you wanna go to Destroy a Doll you bring your own property you know the rules. The damages costs are through the roof on borrowed items."

Sounds Like its worth a look

"Aww but Mom..." Mikey cut him self off after seeing the glare his mother gave him intensify. he countered with "Sorry Mom, Okay what about the academy"

"You've got homework at home why do you need to go to the academy." questioned Linda.

"Ugh, its not the saaame, Please mom. A little money to have a few rounds at the academy then we'll wait for you at Pandora's Pottery"

I don't know why but as weird as that sounded I remember something like that conversation from every time I wanted to go to the arcade

"Okay take this cash now go I'm busy here" as she shooed them away.

"But Mooom thats barely enough for a test and an essay in one activity, never mind a couple of tests in other activity's"

Linda's voiced dropped octaves again "GO."

Jon replied "Going, Love you mom." and rushed to leave grabbing Mikey. "Ditto, Thanks Mom." he said getting pulled backwards.

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