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21. The Resistance?

20. The Resistance

19. Meanwhile, back in the future

18. Not So Fast

17. Safety factor

16. Jon Tells All

15. Zoe Enters The Room

14. Bimbo

13. Trigger Words for Karyn

12. Karyn's Lesson

11. The Stone's History Part I....

10. Fun with Authority

9. Cheerleader's A La Natural

8. Jon's got the power

7. Barbi...

6. Meet Claudia...

5. The Morning After

4. Cock-y Attitude

3. Natural Selection

2. Righteous God

The Resistance?

on 2010-04-21 14:24:00

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"The Resistance?" Karyn asked Candy, who swerved the station wagon through traffic at horrific speeds.

Candy nodded, "Yes, we are a group who don't agree with the way the country is run today. we are mostly made up of all the minority groups: Gays, Lesbians, Goths, and any others. There are also some average joe's who don't agree with the way this country is run either so they joined as well."

While Karyn and Zoe, pondered this information, Candy glanced at the side mirror and let out a curse. Behind them two police cars were gaining on them fast. she shoved the gas peddle all the way to the floor, bringing the vehicles speed up past 150. The increase in speed caught both of Karyn's and Zoe's attention.

"What's wrong?" asked Zoe.

Candy nodded at her mirror and that was enough for both girls to understand. Suddenly the glass of the rear window shattered, sending glass shards in every direction. Zoe screamed as Karyn threw herself over the younger girl and covered her with her body. Candy let out another curse and reached for a small screen that was in the spot where the radio used to be. She tapped the touch screen for a few seconds and then waited. soon the screen flickered and the face of a young man with really short brown hair, looked like a military cut, hazel eyes and a partial goatee appeared on the screen with a smile.

"Ah, Candy, how's my sweet and sexy blonde today?" the man asked.

the sound of his voice startled both of the girl's in the back seat, who looked toward the front. Candy was trying to keep a smile from her face as her cheeks flushed red.

"JD, this is no time for flirting!" she hissed as she heard the ping of a bullet on the rear of her car, "I have just picked up two very interesting people."

This caught JD's attention as he turned his eyes to face the two young ladies peeking between the front seats, "Really, how interesting?" he asked.

Candy quickly glanced back at Zoe and Karyn and then back to the road, "So interesting that the cops are after them; ones a Goth and the other is just a normal girl who dresses in revealing clothes," this caused Karyn to blush.

JD nodded and turned his head to the side. The sound of him typing on a keyboard was soon heard, "Alright Candy, I have some Hornet Drones headed in your direction, they are locked onto your beacon and will be there soon."

Candy nodded her head as she pulled the wheel to the right and swung the station wagon around a semi, ducking her head as bullets continued to pepper her car. A police car swung into view as it followed her around the big truck, its lights flashing and siren roaring. Candy then quickly glanced at Zoe.

"JD will answer any questions you still have, I would but I need to concentrate on us not getting caught!' she said as she turned back to driving and motioned with her hand for the Goth girl to get into the front.

Zoe quickly pulled herself into the front seat and turned the screen to face her and Karyn, who was peeking out from behind her seat. The young man took both girls in with a quick once over and let out a whistle.

"Wow! I can see now why they are after you two! especially you, Death Chick, what are your names?" Zoe's pale face turned pink as she blushed at his nickname for her.

She cleared her throat, "My name is Zoe and this is Karyn."

The man smirked as he gave a theatrical bow on the screen, "Pretty names, allow me to introduce myself. I am Joshua David Harrison, former monitor of Internal Intelligence, now computer-wiz and tech guy for the Resistance!"

Karyn smiled, "It's nice to meet you Joshua, do you mind if I call you that?" she asked when she noticed the man frown at his name.

"Yes, I do mind," he sighed, "I'm sorry, but I don't like being called by my first name. Just call me either Josh or JD, I more prefer Josh, but some people insist on calling me by my two initials," he said in a sarcastic voice directed toward the driver, who giggled in return. Josh turned back to Zoe and Karyn, "Anyways, you two have some questions?"

It was Zoe who spoke next, "Yes we do, when did you start the resistance?"

"The resistance was formed almost 30 years ago by Barbi Stevens, when Preacher McGruger started the whole movement that changed this entire country. I joined because I didn't agree with the new laws."

"Why? When did you join?" asked Karyn.

Josh smiled as his eyes shifted to something to his right, "Hold that thought, sweet heart! Hey Candy, the Drones are almost there."

"How far? I can't keep going like this, JD! They will eventually manage to hit my tires!"

"They will be at your position in 3...2...1...BINGO!" as he said that last word, high pitched buzzing was heard as, what looked like three miniature helicopters with dual rotors, came flying in.

"What are those things?" asked Karyn as she stared at them through the window.

Josh smiled even more when he answered, "They are my best invention I have ever built. They are called Hornet Drones because when they fly they make a buzzing sound. They are controlled by an artificial intelligence that has so many firewalls, and anti-virus protection software that they can't be turned against us or used for anything other than what they were programmed to do."

Karyn and Zoe looked at each other then back, "And that is?" they both asked.


Both whirled around to see one of the cop cars chasing them swerve out of control and swung to the right, nearly colliding with a honking SUV, and crashed into a parked car. The policemen in the second car turned their pistols on the hovering Drones and began shooting at them. One Drone started to go down when one of the twin rotors was hit. It suddenly exploded, sending what remained of it in all directions. The other two Drones dodge the bullets shot at them and zeroed in on the swerving car. Small flashes flared up from what looked like miniature guns on the underbellies of the Drones.

With dual explosions of decompressed air, the front tires were shredded, forcing the cop car to stop or collide with the vehicles around it.

Zoe and Karyn stared back at the receding wreck when a giggle brought both girls back. Candy was looking at them with humor in her eyes and Josh, well, he had completely turned away from the screen and was focussing on something else, a sad expression on his face.

"Drone 1, active, mission complete and headed back. Drone 3, active, mission complete and headed back. Drone 8, inactive, self-destructed," said the young man in a sad voice.

Candy quickly sobered and looked at the screen with sympathy in her eyes, "I'm sorry, JD."

Josh turned back to the screen and gave a small smirk, "It's alright, Candy, it happens," Josh cleared his throat and turned back to Karyn, "You asked me something before?"

Karyn nodded, "Yes, I asked you why you joined and when you joined."

The smirk quickly turned into a smile as Josh's eyes lit up, "Ah, the reason I joined,'s like this. I joined because my girlfriend is a Goth, and..."

He paused when the sound of a door opening and closing was heard. Josh's smile grew even more as he turned around and lifted his hands in welcome, "Why, Ms. S, don't you look lovely today! Joan, I was wondering when you were going to stop by, can't get enough of me can you?"

Two people appeared on the screen next to Josh. One was a blonde and grey haired, big breasted and partially scantily clad woman who looked to be in her fifty's. The other was a girl around Josh's age, who was clearly a Goth; long black hair, pale skin, black make-up, black corset, black tattered of the shoulder shirt, black ragged knee length skirt and black knee length laced boots. The woman, apparently an older Barbi Stevens, stayed back as the Goth girl, Joan went up to Josh and kissed him while the young man wrapped her in his arms.

At the clearing of three throats, both lovers turned to the screen and blushed in embarrassment. Josh cleared his throat and motioned for Joan to get off his lap.

"Ms. S, Candy has picked up two hot cases that she says are important," Josh said to Barbi.

"Thank you mister Harris," said Barbi as she strode up to the screen. She smiled as she looked at her daughter and then turned to the two girls with a questioning look. As soon as she got a good look at them, Barbi gasped and her eyes widened.

"K-Karyn? Z-Zoe? But, it can't be! You two disappeared..." she trailed off and moved from the screen giving the girl, Joan a good look at who she was talking to.

With a gasp, Joan ran to the screen and stared at Zoe with wonder, confusion and shock.

"A-aunt Zoe?" she asked in a quiet voice.

Both Zoe and Karyn froze and looked at the young woman even closer, both their jaws dropped. The young woman was a spitting image of Zoe.

"How? Wha?" stuttered Zoe, Karyn could only stare in shock.

Josh cleared his throat, "Uh, heheh, yeah...My girlfriend is not only a Goth, but she is also the Supreme Priest's daughter, disowned actually."

There was two thuds as both girls fainted, Candy looked at them in concern as she then turned back to the screen, "I think that was too much info for them to handle. Mom, what should I do with them?"

Barbi reappeared on the screen and looked at the two unconscious girl with both worry and concern in her eyes, "I want you to bring both of them to headquarters. They both look positively awful and worn out, the poor dears," she said in motherly concern.

Candy nodded and continued on her way.

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