Suddenly Jon finds himself at the beginning of the alley again. Looking down it he sees Blake and company surrounding a timid little girl. She's backed herself against the wall in fear and he and his gang are closing in on her. Jon begins running to try to rescue her, knowing that it's his fault that she's there. As he gets within hearing range he grins as he hears what she's saying.."...and I wish you three knew wwhat it was like!to be helpless little girls..I bet you'd act differently then!" Blake grins and begins to reply as John feels the magic ripple through him again..Suddenly all three get startled looks on their faces as they begin shrinking. "What..What's happening?" Blake asks in a small, frightened voice..He and the other two are obviously changing, faces softening, hair growing as they quickly shrink, finally stopping as twelve year old girls. "Um...Miss.." Blake looks up at the girl he was bullying seconds ago and speaks timidly. "We're scared to go through this alley alone..Can we walk with you?"
Walking down the alley
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