After several hours, Eric and Keith ran their tests and what they found had them scratching their heads, mostly.
They did find out some interesting things, though. First, the stone was made of a material not found on earth. Maybe it was artificial. But they were leaning towards something from outer space, like a meteorite that crashed into the earth, or something. Well, that would have been a fine idea if they hadn't found that second thing. The stone was hollow. And there was something in it that wasn't air. They couldn't even think of what it was, but it looked like some kind of small blob. And the third was probably the weirdest of all (like the other things aren't a little strange, right?). When they were analyzing the stone, they could have sworn that they heard whispers. Not from the other rooms of the lab, but from the stone itself. The whole thing gave them an uneasy feeling.
Analyzing the stone really didn't help any. It just made them ask more questions. So, they decided to investigate this stuff later. Eric was anxious to continue their "experiment", which was Jon, if you've forgotten.
They went back to the TV screen. By now school was out, so Jon was probably at home. And after looking at the TV, they saw that they were right. In fact, Karyn was with him. Their experiment just got more interesting.