Mike read the note, he found it amusing but he had to get to work unpacking so he slid it in the drawer next to his night stand and completed the task at hand. By the time he was unpacked he had let it slip from his mind.
Time passed and Mike and Doug's dorm became a weekly poker spot for Doug, Mike and three of their friends. Kirby, an anthropology major; Jared, a computer programmer; and Ted. Ted was a 7th year jack of all trades master of none. Doug was a film student. And as for Mike? He was studying criminology but he wasn't sure that it suited him.
One night the poker session bled into a conversation started by Kirby. Kirby was stuck on the difference between women and men. He really thought it would be great if some how one of them could infiltrate the world of women and report back the findings. The group had been drinking heavily and for some reason Mike remembered the Medallion and joked with the guys about how if it really worked the problem would be solved.
Jared said that it would be an okay idea except that whoever changed would not get to their classes and fail out.
Jared piped up a little later "well, not if we alternated who was the girl, or if the thing works the way you say we could sort of fill in for one another."
"What about the girl herself? I mean she'd need Identification and classes." Doug said.
"Hell, I can fix that with the school records. They're all computerized, not to mention I'm interning in the administrative computer labs. Of course, you know, geek talk like this is why none of us have a girlfriend." Jared said.
"All this talk over a piece of junk jewelery I bought at a yard sale." Mike laughed.
Ted had been silent up until now. "Mike, let's see that medallion."