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42. A vision

41. Finding the statue

40. The cost to the sphinx.

39. What have you done?

38. Back to the stone

37. The Old Woman

36. With friends like these...

35. Friends again?

34. Jon contemplates

33. David squares off with Matt...

32. David's first day back

31. The kind of girl...

30. Meanwhile...

29. Jon and the cat...

28. David and her mom talk abou cl

27. Shopping

26. And further conversation...

25. Jon faces the future...

24. Unsuccessful Treatment

23. About this time, across town..

A vision

on 2019-07-19 23:45:35

1116 hits, 104 views, 1 upvotes.

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Suddenly Jon was elsewhere, and not only that but he was his old self again.

"Welcome" a voice says behind him.

Turning around he saw a Sphinx. Big enough that he had to look up at the face. "Where am I?" he asked.

The sphinx smiles "We are talking mind to mind. And as you still think of yourself as human that is how you appear."

"Are you the sphinx who has the stone?"

The sphinx nodded again "I hoped to get it back to you, but I am now cursed to remain stone until four generations of sphinxes meet here. The amount of power gathered together will also be enough to change you back to human. "

"You can reverse wishes?" he asks.

"No. But you being a sphinx was not specified in the wish that turned you into one. Therefore it is easy to reverse with enough power. "

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