After a lot of shopping, Melanie's friends had to leave. She did too, but there was still a little time before she had to go. So she looked around for a deserted place, which was really not hard to find if she went outside rather than indoors, took out the stone, and made her wishes.
"I wish that Jon was here and in his original body" said Melanie. Suddenly a fat fifteen year old black girl wearing a dress and hose appeared from nowhere, but didn't change.
"I wish that I knew why that didn't work." The answer came to her: she couldn't reverse the wishes! She could only wish for things hat still fit with the original wish, which was that Jon be more like Denise.
"I wish", said Melanie, "that Jon's body be a lot like his original body, and that he's only a little bit more like Denise than he was."
And Jon transformed. Indeed, he was now mostly himself. The only way he was still like Denise was that...