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19. A possible problem

18. Ronald Doubles Down

17. GC9-R: Glimpsing a Future

16. First, the Nerd(?)

15. GC9: (B3) Making Things Easier

14. The end of Randy-- the Politic

13. Playing with butterflies.

12. Girls of Cloud 9: Making Progr

11. Experimentation

10. Girls of Cloud 9: Lab Continue

9. And so it goes... slowly

8. Setting things in motion

7. Multiple candidates

6. Personality

5. Someone Wants Them to Notice W

4. Rejected

3. What do you mean?!?!

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

GC9-R: Changing Course

on 2019-07-11 22:15:21
Episode last modified by Reticulus on 2019-07-11 22:16:27

1474 hits, 128 views, 4 upvotes.

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Before Ronald called out to Karyn to wait up, he admired her from the back end. And, in doing so, he quickly realized that he'd be making a mistake. The way Karyn was walking; strutting her substantial ass back and forth sensually; her platinum blonde hair; it was all exactly the same as Sarah's. The girl that rejected him earlier that day.

Obviously, his wish was turning Karyn into Sarah's twin. And that would definitely please him on a physical level...but on a mental level, he had reservations. Why would he want to chose Sarah's sister, someone with quite probably her same terrible personality, over someone like Dalia? Or Nadelie? Or whoever Jon Madison was turning into?

The last choice popped into his brain as Jon passed by him in the hallway. A brief glance towards him allowed Ronald to see a 21/100 over his head, and what he swore looked like a single strand of blue hair mixed in with his normal hair. But Ronald decided to focus on Karyn, because he had a sudden idea, and pulled out the rock.

“I wish that Sarah McMillan would have her personality tweaked just enough to be on my list. Additionally, I wish that she would start transforming in the exact same way that the others on the list have been,” he said, smiling. Ronald figured that if Karyn was going to become Sarah's twin, she could be the twin of a Sarah that wasn't a bitchy cheerleader.

Almost immediately, he saw confirmation that his theory was correct. Karyn up ahead had stopped at her locker for a brief moment, and Ronald noticed that her number had jumped up significantly, all the way up to 49. Seems as though this wish made Karyn go through significant progress towards her final form. But the number wasn't the only thing making it obvious Karyn was going through obvious changes.

Her skin, which used to be as white as his or Sarah's, was now a light olive. Ronald blinked and saw it darken a shade or two as her number ticked up to 50. He wasn't entirely sure, but it seemed like Karyn may be becoming Middle Eastern. Which, theoretically, would mean Sarah would be turning Middle Eastern as well.

Interesting. Very interesting. With that set in motion, Ronald approached the changing Karyn to get a sense of who she was becoming.

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