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18. Ronald Doubles Down

17. GC9-R: Glimpsing a Future

16. First, the Nerd(?)

15. GC9: (B3) Making Things Easier

14. The end of Randy-- the Politic

13. Playing with butterflies.

12. Girls of Cloud 9: Making Progr

11. Experimentation

10. Girls of Cloud 9: Lab Continue

9. And so it goes... slowly

8. Setting things in motion

7. Multiple candidates

6. Personality

5. Someone Wants Them to Notice W

4. Rejected

3. What do you mean?!?!

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

GC9-R: More than a Glimpse

on 2016-08-07 06:25:19

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Ronald considered the boy-- though he resembled in almost every way a rather attractive girl by this point-- before him. The cute, flirty clothes. The familiar, confident way he talked to him. He was liking where these changes were going. And yet neither could he forget the older version of him. His figure filling out so nicely, that sleek, professional look. Certainly that was a hot little number, too...

Ronald caught himself, before his fantasizing could begin to affect Leonard. Not until he had decided what effect he wanted. He had to be careful. The whole point of this was to get potential girlfriends, after all. If he saw Leonard age out into someone the age of his teachers, he could not reasonably expect to get into a relationship with her. Not unless he wanted to get whoever Leonard was becoming into a whole lot of trouble.

And yet... "And, uh, where should we meet for my session?" he asked, hoping to stall for time.

Leonard's pretty face twisted in a wry smile. His makeup was thickening again, returning to the artful, mature amounts it had been as a young adult. The effect was stunning-- bright red lips contrasting against the legion of freckles across his cheek. "Come on, James, I can't give you all the answers," he teased, in a way the old Leonard never would have dared. His figure was filling out again, his form maturing a few years again.

Concentrating hard, Ronald managed to slow and eventually stop the process. The shifting boy before him looked like a woman a few years older than him-- a senior, maybe, or else college aged again. "Um... the library?" he guessed.

"Good," purred Leonard, his lovely voice making Ronald's blood race. His clothes were changing again, slipping to a spot between his most recent clothes and his TA clothes. The tank top shifted into a buttoned blouse, though the sleeves were little more than slight cuffs at the shoulders and a good handful of buttons were missing at the top to show off Leonard's regained assets. "Room 2A, as usual. Have you been studying, like we talked about last time?"

Ronald glanced at the number over Leonard's head. 94. "O-of course," said Ronald, shivering a bit at just how forward the formerly awkward nerd had become.

Leonard gave a giggle at that, pushing the glasses up his nose with a manicured nail. "Excellent. I do like my students to be well practiced," he smiled. The fiery red man hanging down from his head was piling up atop his head now, becoming a large, messy bun that only seemed to accentuate how wild the cascade was. Then he took that finger and placed it on Ronald's chest, the nail digging slightly in through his t-shirt. "And don't forget the time. You know my low tolerance for not coming on time."

Ronald shook his head, finding himself blushing slightly at the entendre. Leonard's skirt had gotten a slightly tighter cut to look professional again, showing off the young man's wide hips and shapely rear. Not to mention the definitely flat front. Ronald supposed he couldn't think of Leonard as a he anymore. Though he highly doubted he would think of this lovely creature as Leonard at all soon. "Don't worry, I won't," he assured hastily.

Leonard lifted her fingers up to just under Ronald's chin. She smelled of perfume now-- soft yet spicy, heady with implications of something else. "I'm sure," she said, bright green eyes locked with Ronald. Then, with another teasing smile on her lips, she stepped back, steps clicking in her black pumps. "We've been making such great progress," she continued. "I would hate to see that go to waste."

Then she winked (actually winked!) and turned for the door, her rear wiggling wonderfully in her skirt as she left. Ronald was so entranced-- with the spectacle of her body, with the implications of how something like that came about from both an unappealing source and contradictory wants-- that he barely noticed that in a span of a few seconds, the last six digits had ticked away, with the number hitting 100 just as the young woman who had been Leonard Drullers left the room.

Before Ronald could regain his wits, one of the stragglers from class walked up to him, whistling appreciatively. "Damn, man, how did you net a tutoring session with Nadelie Drullers?"

Ronald blinked, his brain needing to restart before he realized who the other student was talking about. "Who, her? I don't, really... know."

The straggler scoffed. "Bull. I know guys who'd try to flunk themselves just to get the attention of the school's hottest assistant librarian."

"Assistant Librarian?" Ronald asked.

"Yeah, man," the other boy replied. "I mean, technically, she's still a senior, but I heard she got her classes all done early so now she just helps out around the library and gives study help to a few very, very, very lucky students like you."

Ronald nodded. That made sense, he supposed. Nadelie certainly had the look of a fantasy's idea of a librarian, and even a hot, confident, female version of Leonard must have been bookish enough to excel in a library setting. "I don't know, man," he said. "Some guys are just lucky, I suppose."

"You got that right," grumbled the straggler, before making his own way out of the classroom. Maybe hoping to catch a glimpse of Nadelie in the halls. While Ronald was tempted to do that very thing, he needed to prioritize Nadelie's competition first.

Looking around, Ronald was relieved to find that Karyn Black was still in the room, though she was headed for the door now. Her number had barely moved, ticking up to only 38.

Well, I can fix that easily, Ronald figured, as he hurried to catch up with his next potential girlfriend.

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