Jessica new of the stones power from stories her grandpa told her when she was little and envyed Jon because he obtained the wish stone instead of her. She plopped down on her bed and look and her massive box of Barbie clothes and her endless selves of Barbies.
A smile creaped across Jessica's face. "I wish Jon was here." With that Jon appeared standing in front of her he turned.
"Jess" he said looking puzzle "Why am I here?" Jessica smile and waved with the stone in her hand. "Jess! No! Stop give me back my stone!" Jon yelled running to grab the stone.
Jess smiled, " I wish Jon would shrink down to the size of a Barbie!" With that Jon felt his body shirnk smaller and smaller until he was the same size as a Barbie doll.
"Jess, Damnit!" he cursed as Jessica picked him up and placed him on her bed.
"Dear little brother" she cooed. "This is for all the time you snuck in my room and read my diary." she said opening a large trunk packed with barbie clothes. Pulling out a...