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28. Sarah Briefly Gains Awareness

27. The Girls Get Much Closer

26. LAKE POINT: Sarah Settles In

25. Sarah Joins the Club

24. LAKE POINT: Sarah Gets Answers

23. Sarah Meets Her New Fatter Mot

22. LAKE POINT: Yard Work

21. (Un)Health Bars

20. Next Victim - Susan McMillan

19. Pastor White Destroys the Dild

18. Laura Tells Margaret "No", The

17. Margaret Spots Laura in the Ha

16. Laura Takes the Box to the Chu

15. Laura Remembers the Dildo

14. Margaret Has a Problem With La

13. Laura Buys New Skirts and Tops

12. Laura Buys New Shoes

11. Laura Flirts With the Waiter

10. Laura Needs New Shoes?

9. Laura Touches Up Her Make-Up

LAKE POINT: Sarah's Lucid Moment

on 2019-06-30 13:48:51
Episode last modified by Neil Keys on 2023-11-15 09:35:52

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The man looked on from the window at his three remarkable creations, all panting and moaning in a lustful fog. The truly gargantuan Susan Madden was barely held up by two steel chairs, each completely covered by the overflowing flesh of her immense bare buttocks. She stared out in a blissful post-ejaculation haze. Her life as a top regional model and aggressive socialite were fast becoming a distant memory, an odd dream. Her thoughts were now mainly driven by hunger and lust, though still with a cogent, almost practical reasoning. Food and sex were simply her top priorities now, she concluded. That and the happiness of Sarah and Karyn, who were also similarly driven. They still contentedly suckled on Susan's engorged nipples, while pawing and groping each other with their free hands.This behavior now seemed completely acceptable to Susan, who earlier that day would have blanched at lesbian activity, let alone between mother and daughter. Sex made she and her daughter happy, she reasoned, so it was only natural that they help each other in that way. Besides, her daughter had become such a beautiful young woman. All that pale rippling flesh, those bloated bosoms, her wide spherical face and bed of chins. Good thing Karyn was similarly gifted, otherwise it would be quite hard to share. Just then Karyn let loose a loud, trilling fart that Susan regarded fondly. Her daughter had the most talented friends.

Just then the man found himself growing bored and decided to toy with Sarah's awareness just slightly. Just enough to make things interesting for a moment. He did enjoy a bit of a struggle. Sarah abruptly released herself from her mother's breast and looked around. Something was wrong, she could feel it. She remembered being upset at something, something about her mother. And Karyn too, maybe? Why were they all naked? And...had something else changed?

"Is something wrong, dear," Susan regarded her daughter languidly.

" long have we been here? What happened to our clothes?" Sarah eyed her surroundings with growing concern.

"Pfff, clothes are for prudes." Karyn had shifted herself back to the table and was grazing casually, slowly regaining her momentum. Susan scratched her ass lazily.

"That's right, there's no sense in covering these beautiful bodies from each other. And what was...yes, well you got home in the afternoon, and Karyn and I were since around lunch, so...since then? It must be near morning by now, I suppose."

"Morning," Sarah repeated, sitting upright and pressing her ass flesh against and around the back of the chair. "Shouldn't we be getting ready for school? And don't you have a job too, mom?"

"Oh Sarah don't be silly," Susan chuckled, wiping sweat and sex from her lower region. "The only important things in life are eating and fucking. You'll learn everything you need to know from me, and you've come so far already. School would just get in the way. And the only job I have is to feed and satisfy my beautiful body, and make you two sexy girls do the same."

Karyn farted in approval, stuffing a handful of Chow Mein in her mouth.

Sarah turned to her peer. "And Karyn...Karyn isn't my friend. Her only friend is...Jon, and they've never liked me."

"What are you talking about," said Karyn, spitting noodles as she spoke. "That skinny boy could never keep up with me. You've been my best friend since...forever. No one understands me like you and your mom."

"Exactly," Susan said, grabbing a bear claw from the table. "Now why don't you and Karyn have a little fun together. It'll calm down you down and I could use a bit of a show."

"Ooo good idea, Miss M." Karyn added an emphatic belch and turned to Sarah, placing her hands on her best friend's inner thighs.

"But...Mom," Sarah weakly protested, "Something's wrong. Something's happened to us."

"Everything's fine, sweetie," Susan said, rubbing her endless gut flesh sensually. "Just relax. You love fucking Karyn."

Sarah felt herself leaning back, inhaling the intoxicating musk in the air. ""

"That's right baby," Susan moaned, "You looove fucking Karyn." Her hands moved down under her apron of adipose, diving into the meaty flesh of her vagina.

The chant continued as Karyn pulled her friend to the ground. Soon the two girls were grinding against each other excitedly, and Sarah's lucid moment was lost amidst the rest of her previous identity. The man watched intently from the window, contemplating his next move.

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