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19. Oh, there he is!

18. Has anyone seen a goth girl?

17. W-what happened?

16. Now, what should I try today?

15. You're kidding me...

14. Time for 2nd Period!

13. E-excuse me??

12. Starting the school day!

11. Bracing for impact!

10. Jon keeps his outfit.

9. A shortening fuse.

8. Mean then Cute: 100% Tsundere

7. Even More Shirts

6. Getting Dressed

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

100% Tsundere: Slice with a Side of Support

on 2019-06-24 01:09:41

2378 hits, 164 views, 3 upvotes.

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After some further searching, Gwen quickly found where Jay was sitting. She got herself some pizza after a few minutes of waiting in line, and soon joined him at the table, sitting across from him.

"I gotta say Gwen, I never really expected you to make friendly conversation with the goths," Jay chuckled. "You trying for a new look?"

"Ew, no." Gwen scoffed. "Why, are you thinking of what I'd look like in a corset?"

"Well, it would definitely be a surprising change for you-ow!" Jay recoiled from the impact of Gwen's kick onto his leg from underneath the table.

"Pervert. I was just trying to figure out where Zoe was!"

Jay rubbed his shin for another moment, but then put his attention back onto Gwen. "Your sister? Didn't you say she was being homeschooled?"

Gwen's eyes went wide. "Wait, you know Zoe?"

"Well, I know about her..." Gwen immediately stood up and grabbed his shoulders.

"Tell me whatever you can!" Jay was confused why she needed information about her own sister, but saw she had a pleading look in her eyes.

"Well, that was all I knew! Every time I come over, I never get to meet her. And whenever I ask you why, you just say you don't feel comfortable talking about it..."

Gwen sat back in her seat. "I've...said that before?" She tried to think about her sister again. She couldn't really remember anything concrete about Zoe's past, but at the same time, what Jay was saying felt...right. Only now did she realize how strange she was sounding, since it was apparent something was wrong with her memories...if Zoe really was being homeschooled, she could just go home and find out what happened herself.

"Ahahah...sorry, Jay." Gwen grabbed her own arm, slightly embarassed. "I only asked because Zoe likes to be alone, and sometimes she leaves home without telling us. She's always fine, but it's been a few days and I just really worry about my little sis, you know?"

"Jesus, really?" Jay immediately looked concerned.

" bad for dragging you into this..." I feel bad about lying, but for all I know, that IS what's happening!

"Gwen, if you need my help, looking for her-" He used his two hands to grab one of Gwen's and squeezed tightly. "-don't think twice about asking me."

Gwen felt giddy from the sudden handholding. He's really worried about how I feel... She quickly switched gears before letting too much of her true feelings shine through. "You can just admit you want to hang out with me more..."

Jay gave a half smile. "Well, I'd like that too. But I'm serious about helping."

"Okay, geez!" she pulled her hand away. "I get it, you'd literally DIE for me if it'd get you in my panties first!"

"You know that's not-"

"Nope! I've heard enough from you, perv. Let's just finish lunch." Gwen took a bite of her pizza slice. After a few minutes of silence between the two, she spoke while looking down at the table. "....thanks, though."

Soon after they finished eating, the bell rang and Gwen and Jay headed to their next class. Just two more and I'm done for the day...

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