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18. Has anyone seen a goth girl?

17. W-what happened?

16. Now, what should I try today?

15. You're kidding me...

14. Time for 2nd Period!

13. E-excuse me??

12. Starting the school day!

11. Bracing for impact!

10. Jon keeps his outfit.

9. A shortening fuse.

8. Mean then Cute: 100% Tsundere

7. Even More Shirts

6. Getting Dressed

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

100% Tsundere: Sibling Search

on 2019-06-22 17:47:00

2544 hits, 173 views, 3 upvotes.

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Gwen double-checked by looking at every person sitting at the table. She saw Athena, Zelda, and a few other guys and girls- none of which she recognized. But no sign of her younger sister. That's weird...she always sits there.

She made her way over to the table. One of the goths noticed her coming and gave her a weird stare, and soon everyone had stopped their conversation to look at her- and no one seemed to be particularly excited to see her.

" you need something? You're kind of interrupting something..." one of the guys said, stoically.

"Sorry," Gwen said, "I just noticed Zoe wasn't here and I was wondering if you guys..." she noticed Zelda tapping her fingers against the table impatiently, "...know where she is?"

Her question was met with more stares- first at her, then the goths looking at each other, a few raised eyebrows, then looking back at Gwen. "Who?" one of the unfamiliar girls asked.

The response threw Gwen for a loop. "Uh...Zoe? Zoe Gibson? My younger sister that you two always hang out with?" She motioned her hand towards Athena and Zelda. The information took a second to digest, but then she noticed the two girls looking back at each other, as if what she had said was anything surprising.

Finally Zelda responded, "Gibson? So that're Gwen Gibson? Karyn Gibson's sister?"

Gwen squinted at her. "....yeah?" C'mon, I've seen you guys hang out with Zoe dozens of times! How do you not at least recognize me?

"Huh. I never would've guessed. To be honest, I don't really see the resemblance."

"You know my older sister, but not me?" Gwen found herself somewhat annoyed.

One of the guys responded, "Who doesn't? She's probably the most popular girl in the school."

"And she doesn't act like a bitch like most popular girls here, so that makes her alright in my book," another guy followed.

"I heard she had a younger sister..." Athena spoke up, "but I was expecting to see someone a little taller."

"Hey!" Gwen fumed, now feeling self-conscious. "Just because I''t mean we can't be related!"

"Yeah, yeah. But it's not just that. You're also lacking a bit...up top."

"I mean geez, have you seen Karyn?" Zelda said. "We assumed her sister would be just as naturally looking at you..."

"Honestly, if you didn't have that ass, I would've thought you were a middle schooler who got lost." Athena said, pointing at Gwen's backside.

"MIDDLE- wait, what was that about my ass?" Gwen put her rage on hold. She turned around to notice her bubble butt stretching her jean shorts to their limits.

I'm glad I've got at least one thing going for me in the looks department. Less people staring would be nice, though. Gwen analyzed her thoughts for a moment. Hold on, my butt's never been anything special, has it?

She searched her memories for an answer, and one in particular came to mind: last summer when she spent a weekend at a beach house of one of Karyn's friends. She felt pretty nervous at first, as she was the youngest person there and only knew her sister, but they all turned out pretty friendly in the end. What did make her nervous was the undue praise sent towards her rear.

"My gawd, Karyn! Her ass really fills out that bikini!"

"Yep! She's my bottom-heavy half!" Karyn winked.

"Twerk it, girl! Make that booty clap!"

"S-stop staring at it! It's not a big deal-eep!" Gwen was interrupted by a strong SMACK on her right glute.

"Damn Gwen, look at that thing jiggle!" the girl behind her teased.

That handprint stayed for another 2 hours... Gwen reminisced. I still remember how much it stung! But enough about that...

"So wait, none of you know my younger sister?" All of them shook their heads. "All right...thanks anyways."

She turned to leave, but not without a final message from Zelda: "Ask Karyn if she'd be interested in going goth- I have this badass corset that would look great on her!" Gwen simply rolled her eyes without looking back.

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