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17. W-what happened?

16. Now, what should I try today?

15. You're kidding me...

14. Time for 2nd Period!

13. E-excuse me??

12. Starting the school day!

11. Bracing for impact!

10. Jon keeps his outfit.

9. A shortening fuse.

8. Mean then Cute: 100% Tsundere

7. Even More Shirts

6. Getting Dressed

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

100% Tsundere: Squeaky Clean

on 2019-06-21 14:50:53

2669 hits, 182 views, 3 upvotes.

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"Gwen! Are you alright?"

Gwen woke up and found herself on some dirt, but quickly felt some pain on the side of her head and started rubbing the spot. Ow, that really hurt... She looked up to see she was still on the kickball field. Some of the people she had joined were now staring at her, while others had left to go do something else, it seemed. The referee girl who was a few feet away seemed relieved. But then she finally noticed the figure standing over her.

"Karyn?" she asked as she started to get up.

"Oh, Gwen!!" Karyn gave her a big hug. Wait, is she...crying? "You were out for 15 minutes! I was starting to get really worried..."

Once again, Gwen found herself face to face with her big sister's boob flesh. "I-I'm all right, sis, really!"

"That's not what this bruise on your head tells me..." she said lightly touching it, making Gwen wince.

"Owww...." Karyn carried Gwen over to a nearby bench- much to her little sister's chagrin- where she began brushing off some dirt from her clothes.

"Geeze, you must've slammed into the ground to be covered in this much dirt! Stay here, I'll find an ice pack, okay?"

"I'm fine, okay? You don't have to treat me like a baby!" But she had already left. Gwen just crossed her arms. "Hmph."

The rest of gym went a similar way, with Karyn keeping a close eye on Gwen for the next hour and not letting her do much. Once the bell rang, they headed back to the locker rooms to change.

Considering she still had quite a bit of soil on her, and how hot it was today, Gwen figured a quick shower might help before lunch. So she undressed and turned on the water, feeling instant relief.

She stood there comfortably for a moment before hearing steps being her. "Who-" she began to turn, but quickly found a hand on her mouth and was pulled back into someone's body.

Someone's...well-endowed body. Clearly without any clothes on. Then a voice.

"You don't have to lift a finger, okay? Just let big sis Karyn do all the work." Caught off guard, Gwen now found herself too shocked to resist. She felt a sponge make contact with her back, as it went around in circles. It went all the way down to her legs as she felt herself being forceably spun 180 degrees to now face her sister. Her chest looks even bigger from this angle...

Gwen let out a small squeak as the sponge brushed past her nipples. " gentle."

Karyn let out a smirk. "My my...someone's awfully shy today..."

"It's just...this is embarassing...I'm only a year younger than you and I'm still just a kid to you..." Now she had soap all over her torso, and her legs squirmed a bit as the sponge found its way onto her pussy. She remembered how they used to take baths together for a lot longer than most sisters would...and even when she found out how strange it was, Karyn continued to insist on sharing the showers...

"Sorry sis, I guess old habits die hard...if only we'd never have to grow up..." she finished soaping Gwen's body and started on her own.

Gwen turned back around and rinsed herself clean. After drying off, she put her jean shorts and tee back on, with Karyn starting to dry herself as well. "Um...I'll see you later, okay Karyn?" as she put her backpack on.

"Bye, Gwen! Say hi to your boyfriend for me!"

Her face quickly reddened. "He's NOT my boyfriend! I don't like him like that!" She didn't turn around as she left the locker room, but she could definitely hear her sister chuckle.

Making her way to the cafeteria, Gwen found herself pretty hungry. But first, she decided to look around to see where Jay was, as they usually sat together. She noticed a table with a bunch of Seniors (where Karyn usually hung out), as well as several other tables full of your typical cliques- some jocks, some nerds (she noticed some of Jay's friends there, but not Jay) and of course, the goths, where Zoe always-


Where was Zoe?

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