"I'd like to stay this way."
"You would?" Jon said. "I figured that you'd immediately want to go back once you found out."
"I know it sounds strange," said Karyn. "But, remember, until you gave me my real memories back, I thought I had always been this way. Its not been easy, but I'm used to this. I can hardly imaging walking on my legs instead of my arms. And since you can change me back whenever you want, I can go back later if I change my mind."
"All right, then," said Jon. "Just let me know when you want to go back."
"I doubt it will be for a while," said Karyn. She paused, then continued. "Say, Jon. I do have one request."
"Yeah?" said Jon.
"Can you make others like me," she said. "As much as I want to stay this way, its kind of lonely being the only girl like this."