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141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

Chick for a Dick: Meanwhile...

on 2019-06-18 19:02:36
Episode last modified by Mira on 2023-01-10 21:44:01

3407 hits, 228 views, 5 upvotes.

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Athena was not the only one whose body had been unnoticeably transformed that afternoon. Across town, wishes continued to be made...


“... so Jill told me that Aubrey said that Sharon mentioned that Sydney is interested in Adam! What am I going to do?!”

Sabrina rolled her eyes and continued to look at her phone. “Robin, who cares?” The flustered girl’s jaw dropped. “Who cares? Who cares?! I care! I’ve told you all semester that I’ve had a crush on Adam!”

Sabrina looked up from her cellphone. “Ok, first: its been, like, a week. Maybe two, tops, that you’ve been swooning over him. Two: you haven’t even talked to him. And third: everyone knows Jill talks a lot of shit.”

Robin stomped her foot firmly. “That’s not true! I don’t even know why I talk to you about this stuff! Seriously, I wish you were more supportive and would help me get noticed!”


Robin looked down at her cleavage and smiled. She always felt like a million bucks when she wore her favorite bra. Not only was it super comfortable but it both lifted and accentuated her boobs perfectly. It was the most supportive bra she had ever had. Feeling a little boost to her confidence, she decided that she would talk to Adam the next time she saw him.

Under Robin’s shirt, Sabrina gently tightened her grip as she wrapped around her owner’s upper body. She prided herself on being the best, most supportive bra she could be.


“Aww, really? It doesn’t do anything for you at all?” Travis asked into his phone. Across town, Stacy sat in her room. She gave a sigh into her own phone. “Yes, Travis, really. Titty-fucks don’t do a thing for me.”

Stacy looked down at her v-neck and took in the sight of her cleavage. The past weekend that view had included Travis’ dick sandwiched between them. She had been initially excited by the idea, but in reality it had just been boring. It didn’t offer any sort of thrill. And after Travis came all over her tits and face, she had been left horny and unsatisfied, stuck waiting for him to get it up again.

“But it was so hot! Your tits felt amazing!”

“Travis, it didn’t get me off. Like, at all.”

“Damn. That’s too bad. I really wish you enjoyed having a dick between your tits.”


Stacy gave a huff as she continued to look down as her cleavage. The mushroom shaped tip of her dick poked out from the top of her cleavage. “Really? It really didn’t do anything for you?” she asked in disappointment.

“Sorry, Stacy. It was just too crowded between your boobs. Every time I thrust forward your dick took up so much space I was shoved right out. It didn’t really do anything for me.”

Stacy frowned. “Well... all right. Thanks for trying it. But think the next time we fuck you could get my dick off with my boobs for me? The idea of your hands on me as you rub my tits up and down on my dick gets me so wet and hard,” she purred. The voice on the other end of the line was full of excitement. “You got it, sexy. How about tomorrow?”

“I can’t wait,” Stacy hummed. The couple said their goodbyes and she was left alone with her frustration. She stood up from her desk and moved to her full-length mirror and stripped off her top. As she unclasped her bra, the grip around her dick was loosened and it fell forward. The erect member grew out of her chest from her sternum, just in line with the bottom of her breasts. While she would occasionally jack it off, what she really enjoyed was lifting it up and pressing it between her boobs. She had hoped her boyfriend would enjoy adding his as well, but apparently it was not as enjoyable for him as it had been for her. At least she could still play with hers. Speaking of which...

Stacy quickly moved to her bed and spread out on the soft sheet. Her dick flopped down between her cleavage, pointing at her face. She reached into her nightstand, past her vibrator and grabbed her bottle of lube. She squirted a spurt into her hand which she then rubbed along her length and cleavage. Grabbing her boobs, she pressed them against the cock and began to shake them up and down, pinching and rolling her nipples as she did.

She basked in the pleasure of her soft, bouncy tits rubbing against the sensitive shaft between them. After a few moments, Stacy felt a tightness in her chest and pulled her breasts down to expose the throbbing head of her dick. She opened her mouth and gasped. Feeling her own hot breath on her cock sent her over the edge and thick spurts of cum shot onto her tongue, cheeks, and chin. She scraped it all off and licked it into her mouth before running her finger over the messy head. She shuttered as she collected the remaining spooge from the sensitive tip and licked that down too before standing up. She collected her bra and shirt from the floor, glad she had gotten herself off before getting called down for dinner.

She redressed and reached between her boobs to adjust her dick so it pointed upwards. If she got hard, which she was bound to at some point, she would get to feel the hard shaft between her breasts. And she loved having a dick between her tits.


Kyle slid over in his car and snuggled up closer to Miranda, kissing her neck. He breathed in deeply, her scent driving him wild. “You smell amazing,” he whispered in her ear. Miranda smiled and gave a pleasant hum as her boyfriend nuzzled her neck.

“I wore this perfume special for you. I know you love it.”

“I wish you smelled like this all the time.”


Miranda leaned in and kissed Kyle, the smell of her skin exciting him further as their passions intensified. He reached up an cupped one if her breasts through her shirt and bra, earning an approving hum from Miranda. She kissed him harder, becoming more and more aroused. As the make out session heated up, the aroma in the car began to strengthen.

Kyle’s wish had altered Miranda so that her pours secreted the scent of designer French perfume. For Miranda’s day-to-day life, this went almost unnoticeable. However, when she began to sweat and her pours opened up, the odor would become much more pronounced.

Kyle pulled away and gagged. His eyes were stinging as the concentrated smell of Miranda’s altered skin filled the enclosed car. It smelled like a full bottle of perfume had been broken open and poured all over the interior. He quickly lowered all the windows to allow a cross breezes to air out the vehicle before reaching into his glove compartment and pulled out his set of nose plugs. Within moments, the two were back to making out without a care in the world.


Amy let out a deep sigh as she dropped the mop into the pail of dirty water. She lifted it out, letting the fetid water drip back into the bucket before she wrung it out and returned to mopping the grimy floor.

Amy was really beginning to regret taking the job at the fast food restaurant. The hours were long, the pay sucked, the clients were obnoxious, and worst of all it took away her time to be with Liz. A smile came to her face as she thought of her girlfriend, imagining a night in with her instead.

The front door opened and Amy’s smile disappeared. Speaking of obnoxious customers... she thought grimly. In had walked a trio of cheerleaders led by Vanessa. Amy didn’t have any problems with the other two cheerleaders, but Vanessa was a different story. They had been friends in elementary school, but as they got older they had drifted into different cliques. Vanessa now seemed to tease her whenever possible as if to distance that they could have ever possibly been friends. Amy dropped her mop back into the bucket with a thunk and returned to the counter.

“Welcome to General Burger, home of the Four Star Burger. May I take your order?” Amy asked in her practiced delivery. Vanessa sneered superiorly at her and flipped her dirty blonde hair. “Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe we should go somewhere else. This type of food makes you fat. Just look at Amy.” Amy knew she was actually quite thin and the comment was just another of Vanessa’s barbs, but it still stung nonetheless. She simmered from behind the counter. “If you want some low calorie options, miss, I can make some suggestion. I can also recommend some other establishments if you would prefer.”

“Are you getting an attitude with me?” the cheerleader snapped. “No, miss,” Amy replied through gritted teeth, knowing the bully would just love to report her to her manager. Vanessa smirked and looked up at the menu. “One small fry and a large diet soda.”

Amy gave her tormentor her total and filled a massive cup of soda which she placed on the counter. Vanessa took the oversized cup, walked to the area Amy had just mopped, removed the lid, and dumped it on the floor. “Looks like you missed a spot,” she said smugly.

Amy was on the verge of tears. She turned around and angrily scooped fries into a small paper pouch. “I wish you would go soak your head,” she hissed under her breath.


Amy turned around with the fries in her hand. “Um, I haven’t ordered yet,” the cheerleader standing at the counter said. Amy looked at the small bag full of fries in her hand and laughed. “Sorry, it’s getting to the end of my shift. I must be running on autopilot.” The two cheerleaders laughed politely and pleasantly placing their orders before leaving. Amy let out a content sigh. Maybe not all customers were obnoxious.

She stepped out from behind the counter and returned to the mop. There was a massive puddle of soda on the floor and for the life of her, Amy had no idea where it came from. Gripping the long wooden handle, she pulled the mop out of the bucket.

Only now, it was not a normal mop. Vanessa’s head was at the bottom of the stick, her long hair soaked with the soiled cleaning water. She gasped and spat, trying to get the rancid taste out of her mouth. “Stop it! You’re only making more of a mess,” Amy said as she slapped the mop-girl’s head to the floor and used her long hair to clean up the mess.


“Oh! You look adorable!” Mistress Lisa squealed as she inspected Nadia. The blonde was in her default French maid uniform. Nadia, however, was completely naked. She squirmed under the gaze of her lover. She said nothing, but at the moment she was incapable of speaking anyways. She merely curtsied to Mistress Lisa.

A faint buzzing passed through both of their consciousnesses, the source of which they knew immediately. Master wanted to see them, and his desires were always met. Nadia quickly donned her own uniform, matching Mistress’. She adjusted it as they moved through the massive mansion towards Master’s quarters.

As they made their way towards Master, Nadia reflected on her current form which Mistress had warped her into. She was still mostly normal, a body, head, arms, legs. It was far from the strangest change Mistress had done to her. But it was the fact that she was so close to being normal but still so different that caused the changes to seem even more alien. Some parts did not feel right while other parts felt nothing at all. Particularly at her crotch. She felt neither empty nor full. She felt... solid.

Nadia’s thoughts were interrupted as they reached the door. The two paused, syncing themselves together. Of course, Mistress took lead and Nadia followed dutifully. The pair’s movements were perfectly synchronized by the mental link they shared with each other. They entered the room with the exact same gait, held their hands in the exact same pose, and curtsied at the exact same time. The only difference was that only Mistress Lisa spoke.

“How may we serve you, Master?”

Jon was sitting on the couch positioned in front of the suite’s fireplace. Nadia watched as Master’s gaze fell on her. An eyebrow raised in confusion as he saw her face. Nadia felt embarrassed... which in turn further fanned her arousal. However, it was a peculiar sensation. It did not radiate from a particular place, but rather throughout her entire being. Although what concerned Nadia the most, as always, was her Master’s approval.

“Uh, Lisa, what’s up with Nadia?” Jon asked in confusion, pointing at her face. Nadia felt her synchronized bond with her Mistress disconnect. However, Nadia remained at attention as Mistress Lisa let out an impish giggle. “I thought of a fun game to play with her, Master. A little bit of pleasure deprivation. She can get turned on, but can’t do anything about it!”

Nadia nodded, trying to convey both that Mistress Lisa’s description of her situation was accurate and that she was already incredibly aroused.

“Nadia, remove your uniform.”

Master’s casual instruction hit Nadia like a command from a deity. Her hands immediately began undoing and pulling at the garment she had only just put on. As it was stripped off of her, Nadia’s altered body was fully exposed. She looked down at her smooth breasts and waited for her Master’s reaction.

All of the pleasurable zones on Nadia’s body had been removed. The mound between her legs was flat and bare with no indication that her vagina had ever existed. The nipples that had once capped her perfect breasts were gone as well. Additionally, her breasts had lost all sense of stimulation, turning them into nothing more than smooth bags of fat on her chest. Even Nadia’s mouth was gone, a smooth patch of skin was all that was beneath her nose.

Jon looked over Nadia’s body, becoming increasingly curious. An impulse sprung up in Nadia’s mind. Master wanted to see her body, to explore her change. The naked girl quickly moved forward, excitement rising in her core. She crossed the room and moved in front of her Master. With him sitting on the couch, he was perfectly leveled with her vacant crotch. Nadia could sense that Master was curious if her puckered anus was also missing. Without hesitation, she turned around, bent over at the waist, reached behind herself, and spread her asscheeks to show him that her backdoor had vanished as well.

Jon reached forward and ran a finger up Nadia’s spread ass. A puff of air escaped Nadia’s nostrils as desire rose within her. Not from stimulation of the area, through. Her entire being was now no more sensitive than the back of her hand. No, it was because Master had touched her. She wished she could moan, to entice him. Maybe he would want to use her.

However, Mistress had other plans. Being linked with Nadia, she could sense what the altered girl desired. However, Mistress Lisa wasn’t done with her fun yet. “Master, how may we serve you?” she repeated politely as Jon stared at Nadia’s blank ass.

Master looked at Mistress and pulled his fingers out of Nadia’s asscrack. Disappointment flooded the transformed girl. She stood up and faced him, hoping he would release her from the prison of her own body.

“I’ve had a long day and was hoping for some release,” he started. Mistress Lisa moved forward, already removing her uniform to reveal her perfect body. Both Master and Nadia were captivated by her form as she strode towards them. Moving past Nadia, Mistress Lisa went to Master, straddling him in the couch and kissing him passionately. She rubbed her bare chest against his shirt and gyrated on his lap.

If Nadia could still make a noise, she would have been whining with need and envy. Master and Mistress, the two people she lusted after the most in the world, were pleasuring each other right in front of her and she could not do anything to relieve her need. The two continued to kiss, grope, and grind, their hums and grunts of pleasure filling the room. As Mistress nibbled on Master’s earlobe, she pulled back and whispered softly. The two looked at Nadia before Master gave a node.

The two stood up from the couch. Mistress Lisa moved to the bed, still unmade from earlier in the day, while Master began to undress. As he lowered his pants which were visibly wet from Lisa rubbing against them, he seemed to have an expression of disappointment as he looked between his legs. Nadia had no idea why. Master’s dick had never failed to pleasure them. Another puff of air escaped her nostrils as her unfocused arousal grew. Master looked at her momentarily before turning and moving towards the bed.

Nadia wanted to join them. After all, she still had her hands. If she pleasured her Master and Mistress, perhaps they would release her. Or, at least, give her some way to relieve her growing passions. But she knew this was not to be the case. She could feel the impulse from both of them gripping her will. She was to stay put and watch.

The two lovers began to make out even more, hands and then mouths exploring each other’s flesh. The fire of lust was building more and more within Nadia. She was quaking with need. But she remained unmoving as was desired, as was wordlessly commanded of her.

Nadia watched as Mistress Lisa pushed Master onto his back, turned around on the bed so that her back was to him, then straddled him in reverse cowgirl. Mistress Lisa looked into Nadia’s eyes as she slowly lowered herself onto their Master’s cock. As Master’s dick slowly slip up into Mistress’s pussy, Nadia felt her knees growing weak as jealousy joined the burning lust within her.

Mistress began to raise and lower herself, building a rhythm as she rode their Master. She raised her hands to her own chest, letting out a hum of pleasure as she played with her tits. Still, Nadia remained at attention, watching the scenario with rapt attention. “Nadia,” Mistress Lisa said in a pleasant voice over the sound of Master grunting, “play with yourself.”

Nadia’s hands went immediately from being clasped daintily in front of her to between her legs. Only it was still completely smooth with no opening. She explored and groping her body, looking for one part that might offer relief. She reached for her breasts, her ass, her face, mouth, arms, legs, hair, eyes, everywhere. She rubbed vigorously at the altered areas, hoping to illicit any stimulation. But she felt no form of relief. Instead, her search only flamed her desires to new peaks. She continued to search her body. Not just because the need for pleasure was consuming her, but also because Lisa had commanded her to.


The word rang like thunder. Nadia looked up to see that Mistress was standing directly in front of her. Master was asleep on the bed, spent. Nadia had no idea how long she had been lost in her inescapable haze of lust. Either despite or because Mistress Lisa had the disheveled appearance of being recently fucked, Nadia found her even more entrancing.

“Nadia, I think it’s time for you to have your turn,” Mistress said in a sweet voice. Nadia nodded her head enthusiastically. She reached up to embrace Lisa when she realized her arms felt rubbery and tingly at the same time, the telltale sign that they were changing. She looked down to see that her arms had completely retracted into her shoulders. She looked at Mistress Lisa in puzzlement. However, the blonde only responded by snapping her fingers.

Instantly, all of the need in Nadia’s body surged to her crotch and exploded. Her pussy was back! And it was hot, wet, and achingly empty. The sensation was overwhelming and Nadia instinctively tried to groan. All that came out, though, was a rush of air from her nostrils. She still had no mouth. Through blurry vision, she realized her breasts were still completely smooth, as well. Lisa had only returned her pussy while simultaneously removing her ability to pleasure herself.

Mistress Lisa watch Nadia for several moments. The raven haired beauty danced and bobbed, her legs flexing open and closed, as she tried to find some way to stimulate her slit. She was just about to grind her crotch against the arm of the couch she was standing next to when she suddenly found herself in free fall before landing with a soft thump of the plush carpet. Looking down past her ample breasts, Nadia saw that her legs had joined her arms and had completely vanished. If she still had the ability to speak, she would have let out a whine. Not just because she had been robbed of the ability to relieve herself, but also because the idea of being Mistress Lisa’s plaything to be changed at her whim further flamed the burning desire she felt in her neglected cunt.

Nadia started to flex and wiggle her limbless body, hoping to flip over and grind her crotch against the soft carpet for any sense of relief from the pleasurable torture she was locked in. However, her attempts we halted when Mistress Lisa effortlessly picked her, cradling her like a baby.

“Oh Nadia, you look absolutely adorable right now.” Nadia’s pleading eyes looked up at the stacked blonde, the pent up desire raging inside her driving her to madness.

“Let’s go to a guest room and entertain ourselves there.”

Nadia nodded enthusiastically, her pussy dripping heavily onto her Mistress. She smiled and leisurely strolled across the room and opened the door while Nadia twitched in her arms, quivering with need.

Lisa looked back and and made sure Jon was still asleep before quietly closing the door. While Master slept, she would get to play with her Toy.

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