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13. Jon Discovers (2)

12. Reversing stereotypes: Karyn t

11. Reversing stereotypes: A walk

10. Reversing stereotypes: Asking

9. Reversing stereotypes: Meeting

8. Reversing stereotypes: Dinner

7. Reversing stereotypes: Men are

6. Reversing stereotypes: Checkin

5. Reversing stereotypes

4. Successful test.

3. A small test.

2. The next day after school.

1. You Are What You Wish

Reversing Stereotypes: Jon Figures It Out, With Help From the Stone

avatar on 2017-03-17 22:20:34

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Meanwhile, Jon was laying in his bed, tossing and turning. He couldn't get to sleep. He was just so excited, and nervous, for his big date tomorrow. He had had a crush on Karyn since they were kids, and he had waited forever for her to ask him out. He even wished he could ask her out himself, but boys just didn't do that.

In all this excitement, though, he had somehow completely forgotten about the stone. Then he remembered - he had never figured out what Karyn had wished for. He smiled slyly, as he lifted his pink bed cover off of him and climbed out of bed. He turned on the light and found the stone right where Karyn had left it - on his vanity, right next to his purse. He picked it up and said "I wish I knew what Karyn wished for."

There was a flash, and a look of shock filled Jon's face. This was impossible! Karyn had wished for the genders to exchange stereotypes?! Jon couldn't even imagine such a mixed-up world! He was a boy, and like all boys, he loved wearing make-up and doing his hair, going shopping for clothes, gossiping with the other boys about all the handsome girls at school ... he always dreamed of his wedding day, and wearing his father's old, but beautiful, wedding dress, and one day raising babies while his wife went off to earn for the family.

And then, just a moment later, Karyn's wish automatically reversed itself, transforming the reality into what it was before Karyn made her wish, just as she had wished would happen.

But Jon still only remembered the other reality that no longer existed, where men were like women and vice versa ... the real world, as Jon thought of it. It probably had to do with the fact that he used the stone to figure out what Karyn wished for.

Truly, Jon was weirded out by this strange new reality where women wore dresses and make-up, and men didn't. But part of him wondered how society functioned in this kind of world. So with that, he decided to explore his bedroom. He was tired, as it was in the middle of the night, but he was curious enough about it to not be able to wait until the next morning.

Meanwhile, Karyn was awoken in her bedroom by a sound and realized that her bedroom was back to normal. But that could only mean that ... Jon figured out what she had wished for? She thought that that would be impossible, or almost so. And she wasn't even around to give him clues. So how did he ...? Her eyes went wide. He didn't use the stone, did he?

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