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11. Bracing for impact!

10. Jon keeps his outfit.

9. A shortening fuse.

8. Mean then Cute: 100% Tsundere

7. Even More Shirts

6. Getting Dressed

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

100% Tsundere: Mammary Memories

on 2019-06-11 02:11:45

3128 hits, 251 views, 1 upvotes.

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Karyn running full speed towards him definitely didn't do anything to settle his nerves. "Aaaah!" He closed his eyes and lifted his arms to block the incoming attack, but Karyn quickly cut through his defenses. Instead, he felt himself being pulled into a tight hug, her hands behind his head, while the height difference between the two brought his face into direct contact with his new sister's breasts...much to Karyn's delight and Jon's embarassment.

"Ohhh, Gwen! I'm so glad I got to see you before class started!" At this point, Jon felt her arms shift in position, now between his backpack and his back, and began to be lifted slightly off the ground. He felt himself getting more flustered by the second.

"Sis, please...put me down..." Jon said, legs flailing in the hopes of soon reaching ground again. Luckily, Karyn quickly complied. I really hope no one else saw that. There were only a few stragglers in the hallways, but one person seeing it would be plenty enough to make him want to hide.

"You're so lucky that History is on the other side of the building, or else I'd have snuggled you for another 2 minutes!" she giggled. Jon, however, had a look of confusion.

"Wait, what about English?" He knew they both shared first period...right? Now he saw it was Karyn's turn to be confused.

"That's not until 4th period for me...seniors always have to take 4th Period English with Mrs. Sims." Wait, what? She was a year older than him now? But before he could ask anything else, she continued to talk, in a more downhearted tone. "Awww...Gwen, I can't believe how quick high school's went! I'll be graduating in a few months, and you'll just be starting senior year while I'm in college! What am I going to do without my sweet baby sis around?"

Being called 'baby sis' definitely irked Jon, but he felt crestfallen regardless. Sister or not, not having Karyn around would definitely feel...strangely wrong. "It-it's not like I'm going to miss you or anything..." Karyn smiled as she lightly ruffled Jon's hair, which definitely felt weird to him- as if there was more hair to ruffle than usual. I should look at a mirror when I get the chance. "Oh! I almost forgot," Jon said as he opened his backpack to take out a lunchbox, "It's from Mom."

"Hey, thanks!" exclaimed Karyn. "Oh, shoot! I'm gonna be late!" she quickly took her lunch and bolted in the direction she came. "See you 2nd period! And don't forget to put on your bra!" Even as her loud announcement turned Jon's face beet red, a memory was brought to the forefront of his mind.

Gwen was nearing the end of her freshman year of high school, and the fact that she only just grew enough to get her first bra now felt humiliating. Zoe was just about to finish middle school and she was already outpacing her with a B cup! She was tired of passing by people like Sarah McMillan just to get a quick smirk from her before she moved on. She understood what Sarah meant based on where her eyes were. And after being measured by a store attendent with her own sizable bust, she got increasingly worried that she'd be stuck at an A cup forever. Her older sister accompanying her didn't make her feel much better either...

"Oooh! My little sis is growing up! I'm so happy I get to be the one to share this moment with you! It feels like only yesterday when Mom did this with me." Karyn excitedly looked around for underwear that caught her attention.

"Oh, you mean bra shopping when your boobs started growing in 7th grade? And how by the middle of 8th grade you already outgrew 4 smaller sizes?"

"Aww, Gwen! You don't have to compare yourself to me! Every girl is different- and flatness adds to the adorable look that you pull off so well!" Gwen lightly punched her big sister's arm.

"I'm NOT adorable...don't say things just to make me feel better," Gwen pouted.

"I'm completely serious! I'm sure some of the guys at school would agree...or at least Jay would?" Karyn said with a playful tone.

"Gross! Don't say things like that..." He was just a friend, and way too nerdy for her tastes. She only hung out with him because he looked so lonely and pathetic it made her feel bad for him...right? "Let's just find something that fits and get out of here." Karyn's attention was towards some more frilly designs and padded bras, but Gwen quickly shut her down in favor of some more plain ones. "I'm not gonna lie about my size, it's not worth the trouble...besides, if I don't get any bigger a year from now, I'm just going to give up on wearing them...."

"And even though I told her that, she still won't let me go a whole day without one!" Jon said to himself. "I mean, I've gotten used to the sensitivity and it's just way more convenient-" he stopped himself.

My memories are starting to be affected too...physical changes are one thing, but I don't want to lose myself entirely. And from what I saw with Karyn, it's gotta be this shirt. I'll try and change during PE...

Just then, he heard the school's alarm bell. "Crap, I'm late! How did I waste so much time?" Jon rushed straight into his nearby classroom.

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