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5. Elaine's wedding

4. The shoe is on the other foot

3. Jim's longtime secretary Elain

2. Wedding Day Switch

1. The Drafting Board

One woman's dream is another's nightmare

on 2019-06-06 04:01:37

1460 hits, 95 views, 1 upvotes.

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This day couldn't have turned out any better for Elaine. All she could think about earlier was how much she hated woman, Isabelle for stealing Jim. Now through some cosmic justice, not only did she get him back but she now gets to be the one to marry him. She quickly adjusted her new glasses on her face before the music began to play and prompted the ceremony to begin.

Elaine gave a faint smile of victory as Isabelle's father escorted her down the aisle where Jim awaited. She didn't even know any of their names. It would be one of the many things that she would need to learn in order to keep up appearances; but right now all she cared about was tying the knot with Jim and enjoying 'her' honeymoon that she had long fantasized about.

As the ceremony was underway, Izzy came out and took a seat in the audience. Her eyes were red from crying earlier and now only a few stray tears ran down her cheeks. “That should be me walking down the aisle." she thought to herself. "I was the one who was supposed to marry the perfect man and live happily ever after; Now that psycho has Jim, my body and my perfect life while I'm stuck in her older, flabbier one.”

At the end of the isle, Elaine stood at the alter beside her soon to be husband. “This is like a dream come true” Elaine happily thought to herself as she impatiently waited for the priest finish his sermon.

Her attention was brought back to reality when the priest asked "Do you Isabelle take Jim to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and keep in sickness and in good health?"

Elaine was still not used to people addressing her by that woman's name. She cleared her throat and and happily said "I do"

The moment the priest concluded the ceremony by announcing "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.", Elaine took charge and kissed Jim passionately before he could even move. Much to the chuckles and smiles of people in the audience with the exception of a woman in the back.

Izzy did her best to not draw attention to herself. Jim and Elaine shared their first kiss as husband and wife.

Once Elaine got a hold of herself and ended her long kiss, she quickly glanced over the audience and saw at her old body in one of the back rows. Izzy looked broken and defeated, but only made her even better.

Michelle smiled and posed with Jim for pictures. Their lips met again as the crowd cheered and Elaine tossed the bouquet into the audience with Izzy nearly face palming once she saw that it somehow landed in her younger sister, Michelle's arms.

Shortly thereafter, Elaine and Jim walked down the aisle together and towards the courtyard for the reception.

Everybody slowly got up and followed the newly wedded couple while Izzy sat in shock. It took her a few minutes to pull herself together. She needed to find Jim and tell him what's going on...

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