"... Joan would enjoy being herself while in that body" Karyn's eyes widened as she pulled the fading stone from her pocket, "oops, here Joan you best look after this" she said interrupting her friend. "Oh thanks Karyn" Joan replied popping in on the side, "Best get changed first, don't want any more accidents" she smiled.
Karyn sat down with her, should she say something she wondered... A knock at the door saved her "I'll get it" she called.
Answering the door revealed Joan's mother and a big bag of clothes. "Where is my princess and my granddaughter?" She cooed and rushed in to hug Joan who had just managed to get to her swollen feet.
"Let's get you dressed and home to bed", she revealed a nightie and a big pink dressing gown and pink fluffy slippers. Joan's mother undressed her in the living room and then helped her into the pink silk nightie and slippers and gown then ferried her out the door, "thanks for taking care of her sweetie" she kissed Karyn on the cheek "goodnight"
Joan was happy to be home and in her own bed, she had to get up to pee in the night, but otherwise she slept well too exhausted to think.
"the big game" Joan shot up excitedly, all the boys would be there to see her perform and dance. She pulled herself up and got her uniform ready before heading to the shower, she had the perfect makeup and Sarah would be round in a bit to help with her hair.... Joan stopped, that's weird, why would I want to cheerlead and why do I want guys to like me?... But the moment passed and she smiled, "I might as well enjoy being Joan while I'm here, it's not like this is perminent" she reassured herself as she got in the shower.