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7. The Setup

6. Harem Anime Life: Cold Open an

5. Family Time

4. Harem Anime Life: Filling out

3. Life like a Harem Anime

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Harem Anime Life: The Setup

avatar on 2019-05-31 18:11:38

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Jon snapped back into consciousness as the scene changed again, this time leaving him in a classroom. He quickly checked the clock, thankfully only 20 minutes or so had passed, so it was his first major class, History. thankfully he hadn't missed much. The teacher was introducing the goals for the semester. Of course, one thing he had noticed was that there were people in the room who were different from before. He took a look around the class.

'OK' Jon thought, 'Who's in this class now?'

He noticed for one, he was sat in the window seat of the second to last row, so he could easily start to work out most of the people there. For one, Karyn, Sarah and Yuki were all in the class with him, all three of whom were in the new, wish-provided, uniforms. He was pretty sure that none of them was going to be in this class before the wish. He also noticed that each of them had a unique feature with their hair. Karyn's hair was in a high ponytail, and her hair was noticeably longer than a large majority of the other girls in the room. Sarah's hair, just as long, had been carefully styled into some form of updo. Yuki meanwhile had opted to keep her hair out of her eyes with a black headband with some white frills. Jon thought back to the quickly changing shots from the... opening sequence?

'OK all three of them are part of the Harem.' He thought. 'Definitely.

"Now that we have the introductions for this semester's topics handled, I'm also going to be providing you with a group assignment due in a month." The teacher, Mr Hubbard, said. "The subject is on Greek Mythology. Each group will choose a Greek myth, create a 10 minute presentation based around that myth, and will present it to the class. I'll be grading based on each person's individual contribution with additional marks awarded for the final product. I've also pre-selected the groups."

Jon sighed. He could see where this was going.

"I can't believe I'm in a group with a dweeb, a dork, and the foreign exchange girl." Sarah sneered as all of the groups took a spot in the library during the next period (Thanks to another scene jump). Jon liked the new look. There was a row of computers along one side, and even a few rooms for groups to work in. Thankfully they had managed to grab one, each room even had a computer of it's own, only with a 32-inch TV for a monitor. Must've been to prevent crowding. Karyn looked annoyed at the comment, while Yuki shrunk back a little. Jon just sighed and then showed them a book that had appeared in his hand. The title read 'A History of Greek Mythology'.

"Well the sooner we get this started, the sooner it can end. So what Greek Myths do you three know?" Jon asked.

"I know a few." Karyn replied, "But they're some of the more well known ones. I think everyone else may go for them."

"Doesn't them being well known mean they're easier?" Sarah asked. "I say that we do the one for Hercules."

"It's HerACles in the Greek stuff Sarah, not HerCUles." Karyn replied. "That's what the Roman's call him."

"Aren't the Romans the same as the Greeks though?" Sarah asked.

"No, they're not. And I'm not going to let my grade take a hit for a small detail like that." Karyn replied.

"But... um... if everyone do easy ones... less marks?" Yuki asked. Sarah glared at her.

"I can see where Yuki's coming from." Jon replied. "If we go for the really well known ones like everyone else, everyone's presentations are going to feel samey. It may hurt our grades. Let's do some digging and see if we can't find a more unique one."

"Fine." Sarah huffed, pulling a small laptop out of her bag. Karyn and Yuki got to work on the big screen while Jon opened the book and made a start.

'Getting Sarah to be less of a bitch must be part of her gimmick.' Jon thought. 'For Yuki, it'll probably be overcoming cultural barriers. So what does Karyn have as her thing?'

"How about this one?" Karyn asked, pulling a myth up on the screen.

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