While Jon might have only admitted it to himself, Jennifer was more than willing to admit that she was actually enjoying her day as Jennifer.
Okay, wearing heels for several hours while serving at the church luncheon had not been the most fun, still, the way she could catch and hold the boys interest was almost worth it.
Not that she want to catch and hold any boy's interest, of course.
Still watching them watch her was a bit of a power trip.
And as far as spending time with Mom went it had been great. Jennifer had truly enjoyed doing the girly things with her mother, something she would never have believed before.
In fact, Jennifer was enjoying her time with her mother so much that she really wasn't watching the clock.
When Karyn finally called late that night, Jennifer started talking girl things with her for about fifteen minutes before remembering about needing to get over to her place to change back.
"Tonight is a school night, Jennifer." Her mother reminded her. "You and Karyn can continue your talk tomorrow."
"Okay Mother. Five more minutes." Jennifer answered.
"What are you going to do about Jon?" Karyn asked.
"I guess I could swing by your house first thing in the morning "
"I have a doctor's appointment. Mom wouldn't let you come over."
"What if I had an appointment at the same time?"
"It is my gynecological appointment, Jennifer. Do you want one to?"
Even Jon knew enough to know what that was. "No. But I'll just wish that I had one then after getting into you house I'll change back to Jon and the problem will go away."
"I don't know Jennifer. You seem to be getting into the whole girl thing a bit much. You sure you want to chance being a girl longer?"
"No. that's why I will wish to have the appointment so I can change before school and don't have to wait until after school."
"I don't know "
"Trust me Karyn. It will work out. Here you can listen to my wish." Jennifer said as she picked up the rock. "I wish "