Spike hadn't wasted a second as he wisked Buffy back to his warehouse. Sure Drusilla had left him because she thought he liked the Slayer more than him, but it wasn't about that... well, not till now that is.
Jon could barely contain herself as she followed her Sexy Man back to his Warehouse, everything in her body screamed 'Take me NOW' but she tried to contain herself. It was getting harder, but now they were at the warehouse and she looked up to Spike with her wide, sexy eyes.
"Are you going to make love to me now, Spikeykins?" She begged before she gave him a long passionate Kiss. Spike smiled.
"No, Love." Spike said as he threw her onto his beatup Bed "I'm going to Fuck You." Spike jumped ontop of Jon and Kissed him like he had never been kissed before.
"For someone without a Soul, you're quite Passionate." Jon said.
"Just because I don't feel a need to do good things, doesn't mean I don't like to feel good, Slayer." Spike wispered "Now enough with the talk, lets get to it!" And Jon felt Spikes hand under her skirt...
But on the other side of town, Karen had found Willow, Oz, and Xander... Looking for Buffy.
"Something's happened." He said as he ran up to them. He'd been running for awhile now, yet didn't even feel the slightest bit out of breath. 'Must be one of the pluses to being a Vampire' He thought.
"What happened? You turn Evil again and Kill Buffy?" Xander quipped.
"Not funny." Karen said flatly "Spikes back... and he's... uh... got Buffy."
"What? How?" Willow said worriedly.
"Uh... Long story..." Karen said, not sure how to explain this.