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27. Oh Baby! Say It Ain't So!

26. Worries

25. Flip Flop

24. Slam Bang

23. Something Fishy

22. The Initiation

21. The Kiss

20. North

19. A Walk in the Sand

18. Deserted Island

17. The Itinerary

16. Jon's answer

15. Mixed Relations

14. Confusion

13. A Disorienting Question

12. Yes

11. Not everyone knows about Jon

10. Well, he got what he wanted

9. A Dressing The Problem

8. The Voice...

Oh Baby! Say It Ain't So!

on 2006-02-22 18:44:48

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"I wish I knew whether I could get pregnant," Jon whispered, and then he understood: even though he was physically able to get pregnant and bear a child, no fertilizations would take place until he wished them to.

With that worry resolved, Jon began getting dressed and thinking about his day so far. It was hard to believe so much had happened since he woke up less than eight hours earlier. True, he'd lengthened time on a couple of occasions, but even so it had the makings of a very long day.

At least, Jon thought, he was starting to accept his new altered body. Perhaps having outdoor sex with Joseph, Adam, and Jeff had accelerated that process. Perhaps being shamelessly naked and open with them on the island had helped as well. Jon thought about the way Jeff had been perfectly at ease and naked among the palms with his temporary pussy, and that made Jon's permanent condition a bit more tolerable.

As he dressed, Jon noticed several new details about his clothes. Initially, of course, Karyn's aberrant wish had made him fully female from the waist down, and even given him a girl's voice. Then Jon corrected most of those changes by wishing that his existing clothes would still fit him. That restored his hips, legs, and butt to their normal proportions, but still left a pussy where his cock and balls should have been. Since it couldn't change Jon's pussy to fit his clothes, the stone had apparently changed his clothes to fit his pussy!

At first glance, for example, Jon's jockey shorts looked completely normal. In fact, though, they had absolutely no pouch. Once he had them on, the useless fly rested flat and secure against his mons and pussy lips. Similarly, his jeans had no space whatsoever for a male package, and the zipper was a little shorter at the bottom than Jon remembered. It unzipped only far enough so Jon could put them on and take them off. Further down, a smooth patch of fabric rested against his flattened, dickless, ballless crotch, and perhaps even accentuated it.

Fortunately, because of the stone, no one but Karyn and Jon remembered him as anything but a boy with a pussy. Any shock or surprise on the part of others was long gone. And with that in mind, Jon casually left the locker room and entered the crowded school hallway.

At least, Jon though, he'd always had an easy time talking with girls. Maybe that came from having a sister nearly his own age, he thought, or maybe from having Karyn as a best friend since both of them were toddlers. Maybe it was just his nature. Maybe his ease with girls had been an omen of the pussy he now carried.

In any event, Jon never suffered fear of rejection by girls, and he never found their thought processes strange. He understood that girls worried more than boys about their appearance, about trust, and about relationships, and that they gained status among themselves based on those things rather than, say, physical size or athletic prowess.

"Hi, Jon," Lakota Fleetwing greeted him as they passed in the hall. She was a lovely Native American girl and, because of that, got a lot more teasing than she deserved. She seemed to like Jon, though, and although they didn't speak often, it was usually pleasant.

"How's it going, Lakota? Finished any new paintings lately?" Jon replied.

"Yes, you should go look at it. It's in the case outside the Art classroom," Lakota replied.

"I'll check it out," Jon promised, then they both had to hurry on their way.

"Jon, dude! How's it hangin'?" asked Jamal Blalock after Jon had rounded a corner. Jamal was a long-distance runner who qualified every year for the school track and cross-country teams.

"Better than yours," Jon replied without thinking, then the two boys good-naturedly slapped hands, bumped into each other, and continued toward their classes.

"Yolanda, is that a new dress?" Jon asked another girl he knew. Yolanda Rodriguez was a majorette and always looked great doing it.

"Why yes, it is! Thanks for noticing! You like?" Yolanda replied with a smile.

"It looks good on you. Take care, OK?" Jon responded, then the two hurried on.

"Jon, did you finish your haiku for English class?" Tamiko Takahashi asked Jon just outside their Sociology classroom.

"I think so. It's amazing there can be so many rules for a poem of just seventeen syllables, isn't it?" he replied.

"Do you want to compare notes before..." Tamiko began, but then Jon felt the Nakamura brothers grabbing him and pushing him against the lockers.

"Look here, punk," growled Yutaka Nakamura, the smaller of the two, who played defensive tackle and competed in weightlifting. "Keep your dirty mind away from our girls, understand? It's much safer if you keep with your own kind."

I bet this guy never heard of diversity, Jon thought.

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