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8. Getting Ready to Go

7. Jon, Mikey, and Zoe Are Quite

6. Jon Wakes his Family

5. A restless night

4. A Perfectly Normal Evening

3. Things look normal enough

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Getting Ready to Go

on 2019-04-12 08:00:21

2207 hits, 171 views, 1 upvotes.

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(Author's Note: I liked chicha's branch, but I had an idea that took it in another direction, so I wanted to cut it slightly earlier so I could branch off of it)

As Jon sat with the rest of his family (he had already eaten, but it just felt right to sit together as a family for meals), he puzzled after his family's predicament. On one hand, he knew how things should be -- how the members of his family normally behaved, what they were normally like. But on the other, certain things just felt right, and it seemed one had little to do with the other.

For example, he knew that all he had to go to school soon, but for some reason the idea of him attending as well just... felt wrong. Similarly, he also instinctively felt that he needed to get Lind--Mom-- off or she might just play hooky. But of course he knew she was a grown adult, and it wasn't his job to tell her what to do.

Which all made for one big headache, of course. But it seemed today Jon was the responsible one, and it fell to him to at least do what he could where his knowledge and his feelings aligned. "Alright, then," he announced. "Zoe, you ready to head out?"

"I just have to go get my things," Zoe replied, continuing to be surprisingly helpful. Mikey had already gathered the dishes from breakfast and was washing them, without being asked.

Jon gave both of them a quick smile of gratitude and focused on his mother.

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