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17. Alan-a-Dale

16. The Return of No Point

15. Shower

14. Unwelcome Revelations

13. A Disorienting Question

12. Yes

11. Not everyone knows about Jon

10. Well, he got what he wanted

9. A Dressing The Problem

8. The Voice...

7. Trying to Fix it...

6. All Over Again...

5. Overexposed...

4. Impulsive...

3. Better Hide That Stone...

2. What to do...

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2005-12-14 17:53:25

2659 hits, 153 views, 2 upvotes.

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Once in the shower it took Alan a moment to realize what had happened and where he was. Then, just as Jeff had done, Alan began to cum in huge spurts, over and over again, each spurt draining away more of his cock and balls.

Helpless to stop the transformation, Alan slid down the shower wall until his butt reached the floor. Then he folded his arms on his knees and buried his head.

"What's going on here?" demanded Mr. Burpie, the gym teacher, who by then had noticed the commotion. "Why is this boy collapsed in the shower? Alan, is that you? Alan, are you OK?"

Deeply concerned and heedless of the waterfall still emerging from the magic showerhead, Mr. Burpie bent close to Alan's face, drew up his eye lids, and checked his breathing.

"Why is this boy breathing so heavily?" Mr. Burpie demanded. On the last syllable, however, his voice squeaked, and then he fell across Alan and helplessly began cumming.

"Help them! Help them both!" shouted Waldo Brinnerman, another boy in the same gym class. Then he and three other boys dove into the shower, pulled out the teacher and student, and laid them on the floor to rest.

"Holy shit! Alan, what happened to your pants?" asked Joseph. Jon couldn't believe it either. Alan's jeans had turned into a denim miniskirt, and Mr. Burpie's exercise pants had turned into bloomers. By then, of course, Waldo Brinnerman and the other three rescuers were collapsed on the floor, soaking up shower water, and pumping their manhoods into their jeans.

"Will someone turn off that damn shower?" Mr. Burpie finally demanded. But instead, Jeff grabbed the showerhead and sprayed the growing crowd of onlookers, which by then included Mr. Carlyle, the school principal.

"Oh hell," exclaimed Joseph, then he reached in and turned off the water.

"That was definitely weird," Jon remarked to Jeff as all the others slowly recovered.

"Yeah, I wonder what happens now?" replied Jeff, who was still naked and still looking down at himself.

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