Lebron had actually not taken into account many things, but while he was clever enough, he was arrogant enough to make sloppy mistakes.
He'd wished Nadine would be a sexy black girl and completely hood. Which, on some level was an open-ended wish. While completely hood to Lebron meant one thing, just like Lebron, an individual created by magic, had more to him than the wish said, the new Nadine likely would as well. No one, even created by magic, was one-dimensional.
Lebron might be in for a surprise in that regard, as Nadine's family would be becoming black on the same timetable as she was.
In the new reality which was starting to form, Nadine's family was upwardly mobile, having moved to Lake Point to try to give their daughter a better life. However, much as Nadine was trying to adapt...there were some problems.
It was probably some justice for the entire Ferguson family, to become outsiders in their own community. It might be the 21st century, but there were still prejudiced people out there.