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5. Trapped

4. Karyns

3. Girly

2. The magic bracelet

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2019-03-28 13:50:26

2475 hits, 213 views, 3 upvotes.

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She grabbed the rock tighter.

"You want me to be all girly for you? Well, tough luck." She grunted.

"Karyn, it was just meant as a little joke, I would have never c... you for long with the b..". He stuttered.

"But you wanted me to go around school all girly and enjoy my humiliation!" she pointed out.
"I think you should know what that's like. I will not take the bracelet off you. In fact...." she trailed off.

"I wish the effect of the bracelet increases the longer it is worn."
"I wish that if worn for 24 hours the effects of the bracelet become permanent."
"I wish the wearer of the bracelet has to go through his day as he would have done without it."

"I guess now I'll see you prance through school in high heels!" she exclaimed.
"Speaking of.." she said grabbing a pair of her low heeled pumps, they were red with a 2 inch heel.
"Would you like to wear these today?" she asked innocently.

Jons eyes went wide. He couldn't believe it.
"What just happened?" he thought.

Slowly the gravity of the situation was hitting home. He was trapped. No chance of escape. No hope. No way out. Because of her new wishes he would go to school and even though he was wearing a pair of jeans he was pretty sure that would change throughout the day. Not only hat, he would be permanently girlified if he couldn't get the bracelet off before tomorrow morning.
"She wouldn't, would she?"

Focusing back on Karyn holding the pumps up he was feeling the strongest need to put them on.
His thoughts were a complete mess.
"I love those shoes, they are so pretty",
"they are girls shoes, I can't wear those!",
"red is a beautify color",
"I can't give in",
"I need those pumps".

With a swift motion he grabbed the pumps, slipped out of the flats and slipped the new shoes on his nylon clad feet. They fit better than his mothers. Immediately he was overcome with a feeling of joy, a wonderful feeling of completeness. For a moment he was in total sync with the universe.

"Love the shoes! Hate you!" he muttered.

Karyn grinned. "Good then you will have no objections to wearing them to school. It's ok I'll lend them to you today. I think you should go now."

"Please, Karyn, I can't go out like this, I love these shoes and enjoy my outfit!" he pleaded.

"Good then, if you like it so much then wear it. I tell you what, if you tell me you hate your outfit or ask me politely to remove the bracelet I promise to get it off of you!"

"You know I can't do that!" he pointed out.

"Well, it's up to you, now, get out of here before I wish you gone." she said sternly.

"Karyn..." he trailed off while he stood up and moved toward the door. "It was just supposed to be a small joke..." and he was out the door. He had to get his school supplies before he headed there and he was already late.

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