Jennifer caught his eye and glanced away quickly, blushing like she had the day before.
"Umm, Jon..." she said timidly, still avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry about this... I-I was hoping you want to maybe me after school in the music room?"
"Why's she acting so strangely?" thought Jon. "It sounds like she's trying to call her crush out. Well, whatever it is it must have happened yesterday. I mean today."
"Umm, ok..." he replied.
"Really?" she asked, stepping forward and grabbing his hand.
"Umm... yeah." The way she was staring in his eyes was really freaking Jon out.
"Really really?" she asked again, getting much to close for comfort.
"Unn, right. I'll be there." Her face was only a few inches from his, so he quickly turned away before she could do something really embarrassing like kissing him on the lips.
"Okay!" She said cheerily, dropping his hand and running off.
Needless to say, she left behind a very embarrassed, bewildered Jon. What on Earth was going on?