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13. Meet Hailee's Mom

12. Hailee Makes A Wish About Her

11. Hailee Goes Home

10. Hailee Ponders The Stone and K

9. Jon Who?

8. Hailee Wishes To Know Herself

7. Why Is Hailee At Jon's?

6. Hailee Steals The Stone

5. Hailee and Karyn

4. Introducing Hailee Blanchard

3. Karyn Wants A Little Revenge

2. Jon Fixes Himself and Karyn

1. You Are What You Wish

Meet Hailee's Mom

on 2019-03-22 12:51:33

1634 hits, 141 views, 2 upvotes.

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Across town, Richard McMillan lay in the bed of a luxurious hotel room, his arm around a woman that was not his wife. Cara Buono snuggled up against his broad chest. She was a 26 year old administrative assistant at McMillan Industries. Her lithe, olive skinned body and ebony hair was a stark contrast to McMillan’s pale, slightly doughy body and salt and pepper hair. McMillan pulled her tightly to him and she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. As she did reality seemed to slip for a moment.
When it caught back up Cara Blanchard pulled herself away from Richard McMillan’s embrace. She stood and reached for a nearby chair, pulling away a smooth, silk robe that hadn’t been there previously, and slipped it on covering her slender, curvy frame. At 36 she was proud she’d been able to maintain such an elegant figure with ease while so many other women her age spent so much time and money to look like she did.
She brushed her honey blonde hair and began searching for her clothes. “Tonight was divine, Richard,” she said, “but it’s time for you to get back to Cassandra. You know how suspicious she gets.”
Richard shrugged as he watched his Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs pull on her slacks and cream colored long sleeve button up blouse, never noticing as the clothes shifted to those from her original outfit of an extremely tight mini-skirt and a short sleeve cold-shoulder blouse. “She’s out with your better half. I’ll beat her home by at least a solid hour,” he said, his eyes drinking in the sight of the woman before him.
Unbeknownst to either of them, Cara’s appearance continued to shift as she grew slightly taller and her muscles gained tone and definition and her bust swelled a cup size. Her facial features softened from the angular Italian features to a plump, pale, lightly freckled, and rounded face, but even as her overall demeanor softened her eyes faded from brown to an icy blue that clearly showed that no matter how dazzling her smile, and it was dazzling, she would give no quarter.

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