Jon had to look away from Karyn and when s/he looked back, Karyn was grown again. But she did seem a little younger than before.
"Thanks, Mom!" said Karyn, embracing Jon.
"'Mom'? What did the stone do?" asked Jon.
"I... yeah, Mom, I can still remember the old reality and know what changed if I try. You were pregnant at age 13, but a few months after you gave birth, you got lost in a cave. It collapsed and filled with some kind of gas. You fell asleep for years, just like Buck Rogers or Xena. They finally found out about the tunnel and your Mom was glad to find out you were still alive."
"How long was I asleep?" asked Jon.
"It was nine and a fraction years. On my tenth birthday, you came back to me. I had never really known you and I was so glad to have my mother back, even though she was only a few years older than me. It was the best birthday gift a daughter could have and you've been the best possible single parent for four years since then, Mom!"
"So now I'm 17 and you're 14, and I'm your Mom..."
"I know it's magic," said Karyn, "but I could never imagine having another Mom. I don't mind redoing some school, as long as we're family..."
So the stone did figure out a way. And Jon would no longer have wished anything different.
But what was life going to be like, either at home or at school, for Jon when not only was he a mother but he was one with Karyn as a daughter nearly her own age?