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6. The Next Day

5. Passing time

4. Explanations

3. Jon Wants Excitement

2. Let's see what's on the tube

1. You Are What You Wish

New beginnings

on 2002-09-19 03:14:48

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Jon awoke in the morning in an unfamiliar bed, a very large one. He blinked a couple times as he seemed to have double vision, then he remembered, he did have double vision, normal and infrared. He looked down at his new Draconic body and couldnt help but smile. His careless wish didnt turn out so bad after all. He had just spent the night in the body of a powerful dragon, having sex with his best friend and long time crush, in her awe-inspiringly beautiful dragon form... But now there was a new question, with two dragons, living on a human populated world, and one of those dragons sporting near-limitless power, what were they going to do? He pondered the options, they could try to explore the world inconspiciously, reveal themselves to the world outright and let the rest of the people just deal with it, they could even conquer the world and rule it as monarchs, if they wanted, or they could just hide their forms and enjoy their luxury-filled home while having as much sex as possible. All of the options sounded appealing to Jon, but he was really in the passenger seat on this trip, it was up to Karyn as the one who now held all the power. He got up and walked over to the leather couch, sat down on it, being careful of his tail, and grabbed the remote, turning on the 100 inch high definition bigscreen, he began to flip through the channels, there wasnt much on, but he noticed it was only four oclock in the morning, he pondered this as he felt perfectly well rested... he checked the date and found it was monday, him having spent most of sunday as a toy in the mall. He realized that he had school to worry about. Karyn woke up shortly, and saw him on the couch. She said, "Honey, do we have school today?" Jon nodded. Karyn then said, "Well... here's the question, do you want to return to human form, and act like normal, or just stay like this and force the rest of the world to conform to us?" Jon said, "You mean you would actually consider the latter?" Karyn looked directly at him and said, "Yeah, it seems to me I can do whatever I want, so why waste the energy trying to hide my new form?" Jon nodded, "I like that idea." They sat around till school was about to start, then Karyn mentally wished for everyone to think that they had always been dragons, but not to know of her powers. Then when they were both ready, they set off to school. Karyn went off to find her friends, and Jon went off towards where his friends usually hung out, and was suprised to find most of the popular jock and cheerleader types hanging out in the main hall. This was where his friends always were, and the popular kids usually hung out in one of the offshoot halls. Gary,who was the football team captain said, "Hey Jon, what brings our esteemed football captain down here with the normal people? Got somethin to tell the team?" Jon looked at him for a second, then realized what he was implying. Both that Jon and his friends were now the "cool" group, and that Jon was the captain of the football team, he was at first shocked, but then realized that his new body was probably damn good at it. Jon shrugged and said, "Just wanted to remind you guys to vote for me as junior prom king..." They all nodded in agreement and Jon smiled as he walked off to the hall of the "cool" kids, where he figured his and Karyn's friends would be. He was right, he saw Karyn already talking to Jennifer and Bethany, then he saw Mike and David over by what used to be Gary's locker, he assumed it was now his. He walked over and nodded to the guys. Mike said, "Hey Jon, whatsup?" Jon looked down at his friend and smiled, "Just waitin for class to start..." David looked at him and whispered, "Hey dude, could you uh, breath some fire on my book, I forgot to do my homework." Jon looked at him and mumbled, "Uh, I dont kn..." But David cut him off, "C'mon, you can just say you coughed, it's not like the teachers have enough balls to yell at you anyway." Jon nodded to his friend and grabbed the book, he didnt know exactly how to breath fire in his new body, but he would try. He tried a couple times breathing out hard but nothing happened, then he discovered control over a second diaphraghm. He breathed out of this extra set of lungs as hard as he could, and sent a column of blue flame into the book and across the hall. The far lockers were glowing bright red when he stopped, and the book was little more than a cinder. He noticed that his hand didnt even feel all that hot, but his friends made care to avoid it when he dropped the book cinder in front of them. Karyn shot him a questioning look and he just shrugged. The first bell rang and he instantly grabbed his stuff and started to go to class, but he noticed none of his friends followed suit. Mike asked, "What's up? Got something important first hour?" Karyn, who had already found out the important information, said, "Yeah, did you like, forget that we are always at least 10 minutes late to first hour?" Jon took the hint and just nodded. He talked with his friends about the normal stuff, but also about football and stuff he could do as a dragon. It was as if he had always been that way. The assistant principal came by about 8 minutes into first hour and asked them all politely to get to class, Jon knew that if he had been this late before, he would be serving detention, but Mrs. Jones didnt push the subject at all, merely reminded them once and left. Jon smiled to Karyn, and headed to first hour.

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